sex - jensoo (m)

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she's got a boyfriend anyway.
that one sentence that was stuck in jisoo's head was what broke her.

(listen to sex by the 1975)

it was one in the morning when jisoo found herself in the living room of the group's dorm, unable to sleep. as she was playing a round of her favourite game on her phone, saving herself from boredom that night, she heard footsteps from outside the front door complemented by the sound of two people quarreling.

she saw the doorknob turn and the door was slightly opened just enough for her to catch a glimpse of the main rapper of her group with her main dancer boyfriend of another.

jisoo brought her eyes up to the younger girl's face from the small gap the opened door revealed, studying her facial expressions. based on the latter's mirror-y eyes, the older girl who was watching the incident knew she was witnessing one of the couple's intense fights.

she's seen too many of jennie's arguments with jongin. and she's seen how the younger girl's been affected by them too many times as well. and she couldn't stand it every time. it was always difficult for her to see her fellow member cry her eyes out because of a guy. she knew how much she was hurting and hated it.

jisoo heard the shouts lessen, relieved that she stopped hearing them argue. however, only when jennie turn around to shut the door did she realise that the latter was still not okay after all. her nose was red and her cheeks were stained from the tears that were still rolling down from her eyes.

"jendeukie..." jisoo called softly. whether it was because she couldn't hear or because she simply ignored her, jennie didn't reply and headed straight to her bedroom.

the older girl sighed, not fond of the situation she was in. she hesitated, but ended up following the younger girl to her bedroom. she knew what jennie needed most was comfort right now, and what kind of a person would she be if she wouldn't help her with that?

she stood behind the opened door, watching the other girl bury herself in her sheets and curled herself into a ball in a swift motion. jisoo found it cute, but quickly realised that she was hurting when she heard her quiet sobs. she noticed that the younger girl hadn't been aware of her presence, so she decided to walk towards her and sat on the edge of the bed.

jisoo took jennie's hand. she knew it was one way to comfort her. but with that, the younger girl flinched, a jolt of surprise in her teary eyes.

"unnie, I..." she tried to form words, but failed.

"I know, I heard." jisoo sighed as she brought her hands to the side of the younger's face and proceeded to play with her hair. "you know, jen. you can't let this keep on happening"

"I just..." she tried going on.

"he needs to learn to stop treating you like this. has he admitted...?" jisoo knew the two's relationship was extremely rocky. although jennie had reassured her again and again that she was fine, jisoo knew deep inside, she wasn't, especially after the news got out that jongin was cheating (but he'd been denying it ever since).

she shook her head and sobbed harder right after, thinking about what the older girl was referring to.

"jennie..." she said as she stroked the younger girl's arm, thinking of what to say. she undeniably hated seeing her like this. it broke her. then, she thought of an idea.

"you know, I think you need a break. take your mind off of him." she smiled. "tell you what. since we have the weekend off, why don't we take my family's van to go camping?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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