maccas buddies - chaennie

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"wanna go to maccas?"
"let's go!"
"we'll go tonight."

rosé looked at the time on her phone as she
finished uploading her stories. it was a quarter to two and she brought herself to lie on her bed. she still needed to take the makeup off and finish all the steps of her skincare routine before going to sleep, but she just wanted to lay still for a bit.

rosé was exhausted. all the energy from the
concert a few hours ago drowned hers. nonetheless, that was what she loved about the show.

she enjoyed every second of it. it was one of the most surreal moments of her life. how couldn't it be? she was performing in the city she grew up in, her hometown. she performed in a big stage, at the venue she used to go to, to watch other concerts. yet tonight, it was her in the spotlight

and she was happy that she was able to do all that with her members. she was happy that they were able to visit her hometown and see the beautiful city even if it was only for a little while since their flight to sydney was the next day. nonetheless, she was happy seeing her members enjoy their stay, especially jennie.

for years, jennie and rosé knew there was
something going on between the two. in front of others and especially in front of the camera, they tended to act quite guarded with each other, but in reality, they were the best of friends and even more than that. it's just that neither of them had ever been brave enough to break the silence about their relationship.

nevertheless, rosé smiled as she could only think about how she just did all that. she performed in front of fifteen thousand people in melbourne. how many people get to do that? how many people get to perform at a large venue in their hometown? and she might be flattering herself too much right now, but why wouldn't she? she was just so happy that her dream finally came true.

the sound of the doorbell ringing resonated
through the room, interrupting her thoughts. she got up and headed to the door, then peeped on the tiny hole to see who was there. jennie unnie.

rosé wondered why the older member came over as she unlocked the door of her hotel room to let her in.

"hey!" jennie said as she stepped onto the room. "you haven't taken your makeup off. you're not going to bed yet?" she brought herself to sit on the edge of the kingsize.

"yeah, I will in a minute." rosé leaned against the desk, almost sitting on it. she grabbed her phone that was placed next to her to look at the time again. "so what brings you here, eonnie?"

she examined jennie who was wearing layers that looked comfy yet chic as if she was going to go out. rosé glanced over jennie's shoulder bag and noticed how her eonnie looked ready to go somewhere with her hair in a bun.

"you still up to go to maccas?" jennie asked, referring to the conversation they had onstage.

rosé's eyes widened. "what?" it was two hours past midnight and she wasn't sure if going out at that time was the best idea. "it's like two am."

jennie nodded as if her idea wasn't outrageous as rosé thought it was. "if you're not going to bed yet I mean."

rosé wanted to know what in the world jennie was thinking. she wanted to go on about how stupid the idea was, but didn't. "but don't you think our managers are already asleep?"

"and? we could go by ourselves."

rosé couldn't believe how relaxed jennie was,
saying that. usually, the main rapper would
always be the one to hate being audacious as she was the most tedious of the group. rosé was confused as she knew the latter usually hated being a daredevil as well as going anywhere without their managers. so, the younger girl didn't know what to say. "um what?"

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