01- 복잡한

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" Complicated "


"Do you feel anything?"


"Then why do you still go through with this?..With him?"

"I-I- I can't say"

"Tell me, as your therapist, you can tell me anything"

"It's.... I've been getting these, these letters..."

"What letters? Did they say anything important?"


At this point, Minho takes out a thick notepaper, jet-black in colour. Printed on it, in an elegant loopy writing with matte silver ink, were the following words :

" Little Minho doesn't want to be a naughty boy, does he?
If you want to stay safe and alive,
don't you dare
break off the engagement with Seungmin.
If anyone ever finds out your little secret,
you'll die of shame.
This is no joke.
Just a few more months,
then you'll be free of my pestering.
And don't worry,
I'll take good care of your new 'toy' "

__ Adios, Nero __

Minho's hands shook as his therapist read out the letter. Mr. Kim then looked at Minho's panicked eyes with a pitiful gaze. He let Minho gather himself and collect his thoughts.

"Do you have any idea what this 'Nero' means by your toy?"

"Yeah, uh..it's this guy I met recently.."

"A client?"

"Yeah..kind of. I liked him...but I haven't told anyone... How could whoever this Nero is even know?"

"Don't you think you need to report this? I mean...it also affects your client's life without it meaning to."

"I don't know. I just... can't go through with this marriage."

"Have you talked to Seungmin yet?"

"No. He'd not allow it anyway."

"Why? He doesn't control what you do."

"Honestly... I'm scared, hyung."

"Scared of what, Minho? This random stalker?"

"No. Seungmin."

"Why, has he ever...done anything..?"

"You haven't seen him when he is angry."

"Minho, if you want to be happy, tell him."

"But then...what about these threats?"

"It's an irrational fear, dear. Don't succumb to it. This person may be..."

"No. Don't say it.. I won't believe you."

"But it really could be Seungmin himself. I still think you should talk to him."

"I... I don't think I can."

"And this.. secret?"

"Ah.. I'm sorry, I've got to go.. it's been 2 hours." Minho says nervously, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Oh, I didn't realise. Next appointment is in January. See you then."

"Amen." Minho whispered.


lease read the tags before starting the book. it contains vital information about the book.

(And so, my dear readers, I've started a new book.

To clear any confusion, this and few chapters in the beginning are a few months before actual story starts.)

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