02- Time to die

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Wednesday, 1:00 AM - Gwangju Bay

"God, why can't he die already?" A masked boy tsked at his partner, a brunette who was spinning his revolver mindlessly. They  were currently looking out from a high power security camera into a flat room several cities away.

With the addition of an amateur, a naïve kid, who probably had no business being there. With two killers. He stood by silently, watching intently the final moments of a man he didn't know through a highly resolved screen.

"Love, be patient, monoxide killings may take a little time." His partner smiles back while looking at the boy with cold, lifeless eyes.

Time was ticking, but the bomb was on the other side.

Finally they see the man between throes of death stop flailing and slump over. The two older men sighed and the brunette pecked the boy on the lips, mask separating their intimacy.

"Finally." The blonde boy smiled through the cloth.

"Send a copy of the video to the client and collect the money asap." The brunette spoke into a phone which he quickly incinerated after the short order.

"D-Don't you want to check it out, just in case." The smaller boy, asked, thrilled but cautious seeing two masters at work.

The masked boy ruffled the younger's hair. "No. If you want to, you can be the next." He says roughly, voice muffled through the fabric.

The small boy, 18 or so, visibly shook. "He didn't mean it. But seriously kid, shut your trap." The brunette shot the blonde masked man a playful glare.


When they were in private, the boy removed his mask, a long scar visible across his left cheek. "Did he pay?"

"Yeah. Baby, what do we do?" The brunette rasps.

"You mean .... about the toddler?" The boy asks. "No. About him...the so called CB97." He replies, sarcastically though he has a hint of worry laced through his voice.

"He knows how to stay in his place...he won't dare try anything..at least if he wants his oh so precious husband to survive." The orange haired replies.

"Hmm, okay.."

"Hey, what's the matter?"

The man just pulls the boy down beneath him without a word, the futon he was seated on providing a cushion for the abruptness with which he pulled his husband.

"What's wrong, pretty?" Jisung asks.

"Nothing, you know how I get after a killing." Hyunjin replies.

"Why didn't you say so then?" Jisung smirks and pushes his overbearing husband off and slowly starts to strip.

Hyunjin's eyes were trained on the delicate body of the assassin. He watched his husband's extremely skilled finger at work.

The ones he's seen killing and stabbing and tearing with and also flicking and rubbing and everything he wanted him to do, he did.

The buttons came undone slowly, the more skin showing, the more lust reared its head within Hyunjin.

He wasn't a patient man of any sort and his husband went over the cusp of his limit. As Jisung's hands was fiddling with his fly , Hyunjin hooked his fingers onto the belt hoops and pulled the shorter forward gently.

Hyunjin splayed his hands over Jisung's abs, slowly tracing patterns over them. "It's been a while...."

"Why don't we change that then... Or are you too tired?" Jisung knew what he was doing. What he was asking for. He knew how just to rile Hyunjin up. And to him, angry sex was always the best sex.

"Come here." Hyunjin growled.


"Timeless, aren't you?" Jisung loves it here, within these four walls of a place he'd never thought to call home but it has become something-- something that stays close to that  .... notion?

Jisung had been killing and running from the law since he was five, his father was  a singular man- sturdy and righteous, courageous and to the point. His commitment to his art was what lured young Jisung to it. Especially because he couldn't answer when the nosy children asked him about his father's job.

He was 8 when he first learned to tie and unravel a knot, and the precise angle in which to stab so as to create the least mess. In his eyes then, the training was as difficult as med school, but what does he know?

Curated with perfection by father Han, Jisung rose to the top of the ranks quite easily. Obvious mishaps within training grounds and brawls were what Jisung loved to moderate.

That there was, is  a fraction of madness in everyone, Jisung loved to believe, and when that madness takes over, completely changing a man-- fuelled by deep rooted envy and tireless taunts, that vein of madness and relentless pursuit  is what Jisung finds beauty in.

It is also where he found his beauty.

It was a Monday or Tuesday when the brawl started. Usually Jisung would have been there to moderate, but this particular one was a street-fight. The Hans didn't have and didn't ever want to have jurisdiction over petty street-fights because they had bigger, better goals.

But knowing Jisung, he rushed to watch. Seeing blood spilt sent him into a kind of high not even the most powerful drug can give him.

But the most startling about the situation, Jisung thought, while swinging his legs from the rail he perched upon to watch, was that the boy, no- man was fighting without any weapon of sorts and still seemed like he was winning against a much bigger man who was very obviously wielding a newly-sharpened trench knife.

Most peculiar was that the man, a black haired enigma, had no trace of bleeding or a bruise, hell, he looked completely healthy but tired. Whereas the bigger dude was trembling, his hands struggled to hold his weapon straight let alone stand up.

And so, Jisung decided he would intervene, just this once.

"Well boys, not to rain on your parade but, I don't think you can stand up let alone fight, so chop chop now, " Jisung says, addressing the severely beaten down man.  The audience made way for Han Jisung, of course they would.

"Who are you?" the man (the very hot man, if you asked Jisung. His glares were just perfect) asked,

A few gasps were heard in the audience . Who doesn't know Father Han's only son?

Jisung smiles, "I am nothing but a servant of Satan, friend, and I think I have  a better proposition for you,"

"Hyunjin. and if it includes you, I'll take anything."

Jisung smiled. He had found his future


that's it for ch2!! hope you enjoyed

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