Chapter 1

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Each and everyday, it has been getting worst.

She tried standing up, but her legs were weak under her weight. Her head was in a daze as she reached out for the wooden headpiece of her bed to steadied herself.

All she wanted to do was lay back down in her bed, and sleep. Her eyes were tired as she woke up with a coughing fit in the middle of the night. Her throat was still dry.

The kitchen was beyond her reach.

As soon as she let go of the wood frame, she fell over. How was she suppose to get to the guild, if she can't even reach her own kitchen? She sighed and waited on the ground as if someone would appear and help her.

The pale blonde girl grind her teeth as she tried once more getting up. It took as she had to lift herself up from the ground and back on her bed. "Sorry Natsu..." her voice was soft.

Her eyelids became heavy and she fell back onto her bed; with her legs leaning over the edge. The softness of her comforter was welcomed as she returned to Dreamland.

The shiny beauties were standing on the stage in the spotlight. Each one of them smiled as they wore their fabulous dress. Everyone was watching as each one took their own turns.

Finally, it came to decide a winner.

Everyone was voting for their favorite one out of the bunch. All of them were Fairy Tail members, her friends, so she couldn't decide which one she adored the most.

His hand reached out and grabbed her smaller one. He grinned at her as he lead her to the steps on the stage. The announcer leaned down and took her other hand.

She was standing on stage.

Everyone was watching, but she only seen his eyes.

"The winner is! Lucy~!"

He smiled and jumped onto the stage and held up her hand. The spotlights followed them as the other contestants surrounded them and cheered. She beamed with happiness as her friends cheered her on.

A string of flowers was placed around her neck. And soon, she was dressed with a crown, and a slash across her waist.

"I knew you would win!" He grinned at her.

"Thanks Natsu!"


He waited at their regular table. His foot tapped the ground as each second passed. 'Why is she late?' he questioned himself. He watched the clock as it counted down, but he felt like the arms were moving slower than normal.

She should be here.

The Icemaker walked up to him and grabbed a seat across from him. "Are your panties in a wad?"

"Shut up." He narrowed his eyes at his fellow rival. Unlike the other times, he was in no mood to associate with this punk. He shifted his feet, and the tapping finally halted.

"That's strange. Lucy's not here," Gray stated as he looked around.

"You just noticed?"

The Icemaker smirked. He finally understood why the Pinky was irritated; his girlfriend wasn't here. "She must be mad at you."

"I haven't done anything to her!"

"You haven't? It's a girl. Anything can anger them."

He pounded the table; shocking the Icemaker in the process. He got up and left the guild, leaving Gray alone at the table. He couldn't think right now. Not when Lucy wasn't here.

She's never late.

Something was wrong, and he could feel it. It has already been two hours since he first entered the guild, and usually she was there before him. She can't be that late. She has never been late before.

They weren't on a mission, and it wasn't a holiday, so she should have been there. All of the guild members went to the guild daily, except those who rather be on the road, Gildarts. But Lucy wasn't like Gildarts. She enjoyed the guild's company, like he did.

Something was definitely wrong.

He raced through the streets of Magnolia, and halted in front of her apartment. It didn't even look like she left the house; her mail was still in the mailbox and there were no recent scents of her leaving her household.

He went through the window and fell on top of her coffee table. "Ouch," he moaned as his shoulder hit against the corner. "Yo! Lucy! Where are you?" The pink haired stood up and rubbed his shoulder.

The Fire Eater walked around her household, and searched each nook for her. Snoring was coming from the back; Lucy's bedroom. "Lucy? You still asleep?" he questioned, but there was no answer.

The door opened and there she was. The blonde was laying on the bed, with her head hitting the wall while her legs stuck out on the side of the bed. "Hey, it's time to get up," he shook her.

She moaned.

"What is it?" Her soft voice questioned. She slowly opened her hazel eyes and stared at the ceiling, before acknowledging the other person in the room. "Natsu? What are you doing here?"

"I should be asking you. It's past noon."

"Noon? Bu-" she turned her head to look at her clock on her nightstand.

1:53 P.M.

It was indeed past noon.

She could have sworn she only went back to sleep only ten minute ago.

"Come on, let's go to the guild. I've been waiting for ya," the pink haired boy claimed.

"Natsu...I think I should stay here..." she confessed. Her voice was as low as a mouse, but because the pink haired was a Dragon Slayer, he was able to hear her just fine.

"Why? Don't you want to see everyone?"

She coughed, "I don't feel so good right now..."

"You're sick?"

"I think so," she sniffled.

"Should I go get Wendy for you?"

"No...I think it's only a cold..."

The pink haired turned and looked at her room. This was the same room that he intruded in so many times before, yet it looked different and he couldn't pinpoint it. It looked lifeless without Lucy moving around, and the others joying themselves by peeking inside of her items.

He never once in his life gotten sick before, and neither has most of the guild. The most it's been were simple coughs. "Do you need anything?"

"W-Water please..."

He nodded and hurriedly marched in the kitchen. The Dragon Slayer looked through the cabinets for glasses, and after the fourth, he found a few plastic cups. The cold water run into the cup and it slowly filled to the top.

He added a few ice cubes before returning to the girl. The cup was placed on her nightstand after she took a few slips. "Thank you...Natsu..."

"Anything else?"

"No, I think I will just rest."

"Is it alright if I stay? In case if you needed something else?"

"No...don't worry about me," she gave him a faint smile, "It's just a small cold...that's all..."

He couldn't help but worried.

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