Chapter 5

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She lifted up an old dusty curtain and he stepped through. The old woman should have been retired years ago, but she still stood and ran this shop. She shifted a piece of her gray hair behind her ear and pointed to a spot for him to stand.

"Firstly, how much do you care for this girl?" Before she showed him the product, she needed to know first.

Lucy was bent over with a wooden shackle over her neck and wrists. Her eyes were closed as she was masked in a Dreamland. Several guards were above her, smirking at their deeds.

"Looks like we have no other use for her." The man grinned in joy.

"Maybe she'll be executed." The other raised his hand and tilted Lucy's face; observing it. "Quite a shame."

He busted through the door and growled, "Try putting even a scratch on Lucy, and I'll turn all of you into dust!" His eyes were full of fury at those men. Fire blaze out of his fingertips.

"She's the girl I love."

"Young folk always says that. They don't know the difference between love and lust."

"I know, and I love her." It may have took him some time to figure out the feeling, but he knew it was more than looks. He seen her naked enough as it is from barging into her house.

"Do you love her enough, more than your own life?" the woman questioned with a tap of her foot.

"Yes," he didn't even hesitation, "I wouldn't stand knowing she died like this."

She made eye contact and nodded. It was exactly the same look as the one from years ago. "I may have something you are looking for then." She turned around and picked up a velvet box.

"What? A ring? What the hell?!" the pink haired stormed.

"Hush, runt. And this isn't just a regular ring, this is a cursed ring." She took out the ring from the now and laid it on the table. It was a simple glass ring; there was nothing special about it in any shape or form. "Glass of Time."

"Glass of Time?" the boy repeated as he raised his eyebrow.

"That's the name of this cursed ring." She picked it up once more, "If you place this ring on her finger, she will live. The longer it sets on her finger, the longer she lives."

"That sounds great!" he gave a small smile and reached out to grab the ring. The woman darted it back, out of his reach and he frown at her.

"But," she paused, "It comes with a price. Your ow-"

He was already out the door with the glass ring. He didn't care if this was a cursed ring. All that mattered to him was seeing Lucy's smile once more.

"Young folk..." she sighed. Her own husband was just like that until he gotten that cursed ring. And now, he was sleeping in the dirt while she was above and running the shop. "Time is the enemy of life," she sighed and closed her door.

Natsu was on his way back to her.

She was going to live.

He grinned as he twisted the ring between his fingers. Sunlight shined through the glass, and reflected back in different colors. "I won't let anyone take away Lucy's future, not even time."


Gray stood by the window and looked out. He couldn't believe that idiot would leave in time like this. If he ever saw that moron, he would beat him up.

Lucy lifted her eyelids and gazed at Gray's back. "He's...gone?" she questioned. Her eyes became watery.

"Don't worry. If he comes back, I'm gonna make sure he never leaves again." Gray growled. He slammed the window down and turned back to the bed. "I can't believe that idiot."

"He's gonna...come back..." Lucy's soft voice echoed in the dimly lit room. "It's...Natsu...he'll be back."

The Icemaker could only look on the ground. He didn't want to make the girl any more sadder than she was. All of their treatments failed, and it was already bad enough before the Dragon Slayer decided to leave on his own.


By the time he made it back to the town, the sun already went down and people were in their beds; this was no exception in Fairy Tail case. The hallways were silent as he creep through.

There were only faint breathing and snores.

He knew the trail by heart to Lucy's room. It was on the second level, a few doors away from Master's office. The place that he stopped by everyday and every break he had.

He opened the door and walked through, leaving the door ajar. There she laid on the bed. He was breathless as he was reminded of Sleeping Beauty. Her long blonde hair was frail around as she slept on her back.

Her breath was slow and heavy.

"Lucy...I'm back..." he gave a faint grin and brushed her hair back behind her ears. "Asleep like always," he chimed.

"Does this hair cut look okay?" She questioned in front of the mirror. She brushed her hair once more, but she still felt the same.

"It's great." He claimed nonchalantly.

"Are you sure? I think it's uneven on one side..." She lifted strands of her hair and felt it through her fingers. Several pieces fell back down to her shoulders.

He yawned and looked up at the ceiling. She has been on this topic for what felt like hours. He lifted his bottom off the seat and stood up. The pink haired boy stretched his limbs. "Goodbye!"

And he started walking out of her room.

"Natsu! Come back! Wait for me!" She shouted and dropped her mirror onto the desk.

"I can't do both!" He taunted.


It was soft as if nothing was wrong with her. He assumed Mirajane or Levy helped washing her. Maybe the whole girl section of the guild helped. Specially Cana...

And the presence of a certain Icemaker didn't make this any better. The shirtless mage slept in the wooden chair in the corner. 'He's been here all night...' Natsu didn't yet that halt him; not yet at least.

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