sick josh

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you and josh met on the set of hsmtmts. you two are really good friends but secretly like eachother (and pretty much everyone knows it). josh isn't feeling good one day so you come over to make him feel better.

   You threw your phone on the couch in frustration as your call was directed to voicemail once again. You, Joshua, and Olivia had been called in to reshoot a scene, but Josh wasn't answering any calls. From anyone. You and Olivia had been trying to get a hold of him for the past 45 minutes, as neither of you wanted him to be scolded for being late. You decided to call his sister after ten ignored calls.

•"hey y/n!" her voice rang through the phone.
-"hi how are you?"
•" i'm very well, how are you y/n? "
-"i'm doing pretty good! i was actually calling to ask if josh is okay; we got called on set but he hasn't answered his phone in hours."
• "oh. well i haven't heard from him all day and he usually always answers his phone. i'll go to his apartment to check on him. "
- "would you want me to go? we can't shoot the scene without him anyways and i know you're spending time with your mom while she's in town."
• "yes, that would actually be so nice of you. could you let me know what's going on when you get there?"
- "yeah of course!"
• "thank you so much! i'll talk to you later y/n!"
- " you're more than welcome, i'll talk to you later!!"

   You hung up the phone and let the directors know. They decided to reschedule the shoot since Joshua was already so late. You felt a little nauseas as you knew he would be in a bit of trouble later. You said goodbye to Olivia and headed to Josh's apartment (probably a bit too fast due to your concern for him). You arrived and knocked on his door. No response. You knocked again. Still no response. You put your ear to the door, but heard only silence. You became nervous and your stomach turned. Grabbing a key out of your purse, you quickly unlocked it. You were very grateful for the spare he gave you in case of emergency. As you opened the door, you didn't see Josh anywhere. He wasn't in the kitchen or in the couch. He wasn't by the piano. You walked up the stairs to his room and opened the door. There he was, curled up under the duvet covers, surrounded by boxes and a trash bin of tissues. You walked over I you could see his face. A bottle of Nyquil day at his bedside, which explained him not answering. He was usually a pretty light sleeper, but that wasn't the case right now. He looked so peaceful that you didn't want to disturb him. He snored lightly as his mouth was slightly parted, his hair messy as curls fell, framing his face. He was hugging a pillow and looked cuter than ever. You really didn't want to wake him, but you needed to ensure that he was okay. You shook him lightly for a while, saying his name lightly. Eventually he opened his eyes. "Y/n? Why are you here?" He questioned. His soft, raspy voice made your heart flutter a little. "We got called on set and you wouldn't answer. I was worried about you. I'm sorry for intruding, I tried to knock--"
Josh sat up quickly. "We go called on set?" He asked, panicking. "Yeah, but it's okay. They rescheduled and they'll be understanding since you're sick." You called him down. "Okay good. And don't feel bad for intruding. I love having you here, I just don't want you to get sick." He explained. "Josh, I have an amazing immune system." You both smiled. " and anyways, I don't care if I get sick, I just want to make you feel better. "

   You started some soup for Josh while you checked in with your producers and Josh's sister. You joined him in bed once the soup was done. He smiled warmly. "You're an angel y/n". You shrugged jokingly while rolling your eyes. "Yeah, I know." You got under the covers and grabbed the remote. You and Josh both agreed to watch The Office. "How are you feeling?" You asked him. "Better. I think I still have a fever though." He explained as he placed the back of his hand on his forehead. " Here let me see. " You moved his head to your cheek. It was definitely still warm, you nodded. He smirked at you once you moved and you both began to laugh bashfully. "You know what would make me feel a lot better y/n?" Josh questioned. " What's that? " He smiled at you. "If we could cuddle." Your heart skipped a beat as you nodded. He laid his head on your chest and wrapped his arms around your waist. You ran your fingers through his curls and your heart was beating faster than it probably ever has.
"Do you know how fast your heart is beating right now y/n?" He whispered. You felt butterflies in your stomach but played it off. "Go to sleep sick boy" you both laughed and slowly drifted to sleep.

tysm to anyone reading this!!
hope you enjoyed and don't forget I'm taking requests!!!
also feel free to correct any typos or use constructive criticism :)
<3 -t

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