rainy day

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summary: you and josh planned a beach date but it gets rained out

You frowned as you stared out of your window as it was gray and pouring rain. You were really looking forward to going to the beach with Josh, and you had already gotten ready for the day. You unlocked your phone to call him.

"Hey baby" his voice answered, sounding kind of gloomy.
"Are you seeing this weather too?" You asked.
"Unfortunately. I'm really sorry, I was super excited for our date, y/n."
"It's not your fault Josh. And we can still hang out if you want."
"Can you come over?" he asked in anticipation

Of course you said yes. You arrived to his house with ingredients for cookies that you guys agreed to bake. He opened the door and hugged you, picking you up to spin you around.
"Hey y/n" he laughed.
"Hi y/n!!" His mom yelled from the kitchen.
"Hi Mrs. Bassett!"
"What about me?" Josh asked, frowning.
"Hey baby" he smiled at you and packed you on the forehead.

You guys decided to bake the cookies first. Mrs. Bassett helped you two make them since neither of you were very good cooks. As you were wiping off the counter, Josh picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, hanging you upside down. "Joshua Bassett put me down!!!" You exclaimed, but he ignored you. He threw you onto the couch and started tickling you, causing you to scream uncontrollably. He stopped tickling you after his mom yelled at him, and you made sure to thank her.

Josh's mom went back upstairs, allowing you two to finish baking by yourselves. You admired Josh as he stirred the batter, his face focused intensely. You later your head on his back and wrapped your arms around his waist.
"You do realize this is making it hard for me to focus, right? I'm blaming you if the cookies come out bad." You apologized and he laughed. As it turns out, the cookies were very good. You brought a plate to the couch and crawled under the blankets, as it was very cold.

"What movie y/n?"
" I don't know what movie do you wanna watch? "
He grinned at you.
"High school musical?" You asked and he nodded. You laughed at him.

Josh turned on the movie and got under the covers, holding his arms out. You looked at him, grinning and pretending to not know that he wanted to cuddle. He frowned. You kept laughing. He became frustrated and started tickling you.
"okay okay! we can cuddle josh stop please" you begged him. He stopped and smiled. You layed down on top of him, your head resting in the crook of his neck. You couldn't really see the movie from this angle, but you weren't complaining. He smelled amazing, too. You reached your hand up and began to softly play with his curls, which made him sleepy. He rubbed his thumb in circles on your back, which made you sleepy. You probably didn't even get thirty minutes into the movie before falling asleep, but you had nothing to complain about. You had the best date, despite the change of plans. But honestly, as cheesy as it sounds, any date with Josh was an incredible one.

Again, if you see any typos you can correct me :)
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<3 - t

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