Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 - This is going weird.

Mith’s POV

As Metys ran out of the room, Paige gave me a high five.

“Great job. Now, here’s the part where you chase after her.” Paige said while giving me a boost out of the room. She threw a jacket to me.

“You could use that!” Paige smiled. I rushed out of the hotel room and down the stairs. I could see Metys’s back view fading towards the beach. Almost immediately, I sprung after her.

“Metys?” I said, while walking towards her. She was sitted on the sand.

I knelt in front of her and realized she had teary eyes.

“Were you crying? What’s wrong?” I asked.

“It’s-It’s nothing. I wasn’t crying.” She said, while wiping her tears.

“Sand.. Sand just got in to my eyes. That’s why.” Metys continued.

Slowly, I sat beside Metys. The breeze was so freezing, it wasn’t even a joke to be out here. At this moment, I recalled about the jacket Paige threw at my face.

Seems like she knew about the breeze..

Gently, I placed the jacket over Metys’s shoulders. She looked annoyed for a moment, before she stuck out her tongue at me and pouted.

“You’ll need it. Stubborn little girl.” I said, before giving her a tight hug. Though the lights from the streetlamp wasn’t that bright, I could see a slight tone of pink on her cheeks. She was blushing.

“You’re blushing! You’re so cute.” I cracked into laughter.

“I’m not blushing.” She said, before pouting again.

“Liar.” I whispered.

“I’m not a liar!” Metys said, before looking in the other direction, trying to avoid eye contact.

“Hmmm.. Our little Metys is being shy.” I mentioned, as I nuzzled her hair.

Her hair was so smooth. It had a slight tint of hazel brown and dark brown. It was normally tied up in to a ponytail, but since she was sleeping, she put it down. And she looked beautiful with her hair down. It almost seemed like I was talking to an angel whom had fallen from heaven. Sounds entirely related to her. I should try and persuade her to put down her hair more!

“I am not shy!” Metys shouted while pushing me on the ground, and pinning me down.

I knew that I could easily push her over instead, but I didn’t feel like it.

“Ugh. Let me get up. I’m sorry, okay?” I said.

She rolled her eyes before removing her hands. At this moment, I took the chance to push her on the ground instead. Pinning her down, the same method she did to me.

“Let me go!” She shouted, while trying to fight back. Every time she tried to push me over, I held her even tighter. After a while, she gave up squirming. She was no match for me.

Gently, I leaned into towards her. I re-positioned one of my hands on her hip and the other one behind her head. Her lips were slightly chapped, as we had been outside for quite a while. Despite that, It still looked very attractive in a pale pink colour.

This was the moment where she could escape, but she was so terrified, she couldn’t even move. I went in closer towards her lips and gave her a kiss. I didn’t expect it from the tsundere she was, but she kissed me back. Her lips tasted really good, almost like it was candy.

“Did you just eat candy?” I asked.

She nodded her head, replying, “Your favourite kind.”

“That’s unfair!”

“It is. Aren’t you tasting it from my mouth too?”

“True.” I finished, before leaning in to continue kissing her.

Metys's POV

As he was kissing me, I could feel my head whirling around. It felt really good, I actually had to clench my fist to try and avoid letting out a soft moan. Is this why he is so famous in school? Because he is great as a player?

At this moment, I pushed him over and ran off. Where could I go? Only back to the room. Because, If Paige was there, she would save me.

I could hear Mith shouting my name. I had the urge to turn back but I walked towards the hotel, resisting the urge.Upon reaching the hotel, I froze upon the realization that I forgot my key. I tried to knockon the door, but I stopped after several attempts because It might affect the other people staying in the rooms nearby.

Giving up, I sat at the staircase. I was dozing off, but as I was alone, I had to keep my eyes open. I let out a soft yawn. At this moment, I hear someone walking down the hallway. I was so terrified, I couldn’t even speak. Could it be a murderer?

A part of me screamed internally as the footsteps seemed louder and closer.

Thank god, I was relieved to see a familiar face. It was Mith. I don’t know why, but I ran up to him and gave him a tight hug. He was frozen on his steps, but he gave a hug back either ways. Somehow, He pushed me towards the walls of the hallway and started kissing me again. This time, I didn’t even feel like resisting.

This pleasure. This pleasure was what I enjoyed.

 Slowly, we sat on the ground as we were getting tired. I thought that he would let me rest, but instead, he moved his hands towards my hips. Gently, he pulled up my shirt. I knew that it was escalating too fast. I tried to ask him to stop, but he shoved me against the wall. At this moment, I got so mad, I slapped him in the face. He looked at me in confusion.

“Weren’t you enjoying it?” He asked.

“Yes. A part of me was. But honestly. I’m not that shameless to do anything right out here, in a place where anybody had access to.” I said while grabbing my shirt from his hands.

I put on my shirt in a haste and moved slightly away from him. At this moment, I let out a yawn again.

“Are you sleepy?” He asked.

“Yeah.. Don’t you have the key?” I said.

“I.. left it in the room because I chased after you too fast. I think Paige fell asleep. We’d have to sleep here tonight I guess..”  He nuzzled my hair again.

“I have a habit of needing a pillow while sleeping though..” I sighed.

At this moment, he put his hands around my waist, and hoisted me up into his embrace.

“You can take me as your pillow then.” He smiled.

I wanted to reject him, but I was too tired. Accepting the offer, I wrapped my arms around him.

“You're really only good for a hot water bottle," I muttered, rubbing my cheek against his shirt.

This actually feels really good. Is this what they call love?

Wait, who am I kidding. He likes Paige. C'mon, Metys.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2014 ⏰

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