bullets through the blizzard | #2

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??????'s P.O.V

I.... I don't exactly know what I'm doing. Looking for more creatures that I can make the Ciphers catch me. That sounds about right. I look to my right and see a blur of black and another of brown. I quietly follow the figures. 

After following them for a bit I see that one is cervitaur, while the other is a centaur. 

(I'm just hoping that there will be that one person in the comments that will be like, "WHO IS THIS CREEP!!!".... Cause you will see who it is, and you will have a burning hatred for them, Hint: count the number of question marks, it's the amount of letters in this persons name... if you don't want to do that, you'll learn who it is at the end of the chapter)

I follow them to where the lay for now, a thorn covered cave. I nod to myself and head back town.

~Magic Time skip to when mystery person is in town~

I head to the Cipher's house with a fast pace. I knock on the door, I see a friendly face open the door. "hello Will" Will looks at me and then closes the door, I can hear him call for his brother. Will opens the door again and lets me in. I walk right into the living room, having done this multiple times. I hear Bill stomping down the stairs. "What is it this time" he asks as he walks over to the wall and looks at his guns. "A cervitaur and a centaur, they're in the thorn covered cave" I explain, he nods and grabs to shot guns. "dead or alive?" he asks finally sitting down on the couch opposite to me. "preferably alive, but they would make nice mounts in the show". Bill nods then asks, "whats in it for me?" "How about 2 thousand for each?" "deal". he holds out his hand, I shake it, making the deal official.

Bill's P.O.V

I wait for that little pain in the butt to leave. I look at Will, grab my guns and walk over to him. I hand him a shotgun. "I know you don't really like this stuff, but I could really use your help" I beg him. He looks at me with sad eyes, "Anything for my brother". I smile and pat him on the back. With that we head to my old truck. We put the guns in the back along with the rope that's already in there. I can feel the temperature dropping. Not wanting to freeze, we head inside and grab our coats. Then head back out to the truck, I grab the keys and start the engine. Will looks sad in the passenger seat, I sigh and start driving.

~magic time skip~

We pull up as far as we can go, get out of the truck, and grab guns and robe. We head for the cave that Gideon told me about. God I hate that little jerk, but he pays me well for my jobs. "Bill?" Will's voice breaks my mental rant. I look at him, "yes" "what if we don't give these creature's to Gideon, I mean he already has several cervitaur and centaur mounts". I can tell he really doesn't want to kill these beasts. "No Will, we need the money" he looks disappointed. We walk on in silence. "oh look we're here!" I blurt, breaking the silence. He shifts nervously. I slowly walk into the cave. But before we go I set a rope trap at the entrance. After doing that we quietly into the cave. At the back lays a dapper looking centaur with black fur. And at the side is the cirvitaur, it makes my heart stop. "Will" I whisper. "yes brother" he answers, I look him dead in the eyes, "can I keep it" "uhhh, sure I guess". I nod very excitedly at his answer. We hear a gasp behind us, he both grit our teeth and turn towards the centaur. The centaur was now standing straight up (even though he isn't), he was tall, not taller than me but tall. "sup" I say calmly. "sup" the centaur responds. "So you got a name? Or is mind just gonna call you The Centaur for all eternity?" I ask trying really hard to provoke him. "Mason and on the ground is Dipper, and who may you be" Mason asks, "Bill Cipher, and hiding behind me is my brother Will" I answer pushing Will out from behind me. "H-h-hi" Will stutters. I grab my gun, face it towards Mason's back leg, and shoot. He falls, "Ow" he mutters, "I shoot you and all i get is an 'Ow'" I ask honestly confused. "I've had worse" he shrugs, but I can see in his eyes that he is in pain. I hear stumpling on the side wall. I turn around "BOO" I startle Dipper. He runs out the door, and gets trapped in the ropes. "all done!" I laugh. "time to go home!" I smile at Dipper, Will is helping Mason walk.

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