See you in the next one...

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So, im ending this story. I know it sounds sudden but i have my reasons. I aspire to be an actual writer in the future. I have some stories I've created and I'd like to work on them more. I don't have a lot of spare time so I would like to use it on my own stories with my characters. Now, don't get me wrong, I still love my babies and i won't ever stop loving them. Writing this fanfic has helped me explore my writing style and truly that was the porpuse of why i started all of this.

Lastly, I wanted to say thank you. All of you who have given me your support. I have no idea how a fifteen year old girl who decided to write some silly fanfic managed to get 20K people to raed her weird stories. I truly love all of you and I have to say, Stays are the best. I hope you guys understand. This has truelly been an amazing experience and I hope you all enjoyed it. I'm sorry to all the people that suggested something and i couldn't do it.

You are all the best and, who knows, maybe, and hopefully, one day you will be able to read my stories.

Thank you and ill see you in the next one.

Author-chan out.

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