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Kenzie Hope

Life was boring to say the least. I've had the same day on repeat for the last seven years. I'm trapped in a mediocre horror movie.

I wake up at six in the morning, before even the sun has risen. Immediately following that, I make my little brother his breakfast. Once I wake up and feed my little brother, I head to the florist shop that I work at. I spend from seven to three o'clock there. I deal with piece of crap, who are trying to put together a half assed apology to their significant other. It was very rare that a genuine person waddled in. After the god-awful 8 hours spent there, I drive to the high school to pick up my baby brother. Then, we have dinner and hang out for a little while, talking about our day.

At exactly five o'clock, I take out my laptop and spend exactly two hours on my online schooling. When seven rolls around, I tell my brother goodbye and head to the local college. I clean the place for around five hours or until its spotless. Finally, I head home to sleep for five hours only to wake up at six to do it all again. 

On Saturdays the entire back was allowed to go for a run during a two-hour period, between 12 and 2 . It was the best day of the week by far. Before 12, I would work my shift at the florist shop. After 12, I would spend the day with my brother and work on school work. I would tell my brother stories about our parents and teach him all about our wolf ways. Those are the days I look forward to.

There was only one day a month that different from all the rest. The first Monday of every month, the warriors of our pack would do monthly house inspections. We were expected to have our houses neat and tidy with nothing hiding under floorboards or in the walls. They had a very vigorous process and a strict checklist that each home had to pass. The Sunday beforehand, we would be given the night off from cleaning the college. This was to help our neighbors ready their homes.

We would spend all night cleaning and prepping the houses. Then, once the warriors arrived, we would sit on the couches with our hands in our laps and heads down. No one ever had any serious issues in their homes. We always followed the laws, but sometimes the warriors were, well, aggressive. We feared for our lives every Monday. I was so glad that Brady was at school.

It wasn't always this way. My blood wasn't always that of an omega and in a different life, I could have ruled magnificently.

It all started over twenty years ago, before I was even born. My grandfather was the alpha of a moderately powerful pack that was eager to take over the world. The Moon Rise pack was located Russia and had a large section of land. It was a nice set up, really.

That was until my father, who was set to become the alpha in a few short days before hand, had met his mate. She was beautiful woman, who was shaped by the Moon Goddess to be perfect for my father. As for my father, he fell in love with her the moment their eyes met. It was truly a beautiful moment and when they told me as a child, I got goose bumps every time. But, like all love stories, they had their obstacles.

My grandfather, being the strong man he was, decided that my father's human mate would never be fit to be the Luna. He gave my father an ultimatum. It was either my father's legacy and title or his mate. Naturally, my father chose his mate and gave up everything he had ever known. 

Because my mother was a human, the rouge life would be too dangerous for her. They couldn't live in a city without being in a pack because they were all in some pack's territory. They couldn't live with my mother's family because she was raised in foster care and was never adopted. The reasonable conclusion would be to join another pack, right? Well, with my father's alpha blood, no one would accept him due to their fear of being taken over.This led the distraught couple to the only place that would take them: the United States. The Winter pack was strong, powerful, and arrogant. They even named their pack after their bloodline. But the brand new alpha was ignorant and eager to take the challenge that was my father.

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