Chapter 4

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Daniel ran away after seeing his girl with someone else and Amy saw him cry for the first time.

Elizabeth PoV
At her house

E: *sniff*

Ding Dong!

E: Who is it?!

?: Open up!

E: Who are you?

?: Just open up or I'll come in through your window!

Who could it be?

Nobody PoV

Elizabeth opened the door and a bag was immediately put over her head. She kept struggling but the kidnappers were too strong and knocked her out.

?: Finally we got her.

??: Quick inject her with this before she wakes up!

They injected her with a drug and brought her to their hideout.

At an abandoned warehouse

Elizabeth PoV
Where am I? Why am I tied up?

E: Mmph mmph

?: Oh so your awake?

E: Mmph

?: Keep your boyfriend away from my wife!

E: Mmph
Wait wife? Who is married that I know? Daniel? But if it's Daniel then wouldn't his wife be Sally! But he body size is bigger than Daniel's... Hold up! What's that I smell? Kerosene? Oh no I have to get out of here!

Elizabeth was then carried by someone and thrown onto the sofa. Soon, someone took the mask off her face. Elizabeth took some time to adjust to the lighting. When she did, she saw a guy in front of her.

E: Who are you?

M: I'm Matthew and your Elizabeth aren't you? See. Your boyfriend Brandon tried to seduce my wife, Cleveline.

Cleveline? I thought it was Sally. What is wrong with that guy?

E: *laugh sarcastically* Yeah right! He in love with Cleveline? Haha...Ha... No... He is in love with Sally... *starts to sob*

M: Are you ok? Stop crying, come on... I can't stand girls that cry.

E: Why not! I got dumped by him just because he liked another girl. I was used by him! And now that I am in this state I'm not even allowed to cry?!

M: Okay okay... I'll let you go. but hurry up before I change my mind.

Mathew untied Elizabeth and she ran away but before doing so she turned back once more to make sure he's not following her.


That's the update!

BTW the new format will stay and I think you already know what is what but just in case you don't, here is what it means

This means the nobody's PoV
This means what the person is thinking depending on who's PoV

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