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I used to listen

to the rhythm of the world

the drums outside in beat to the fall of downpour

the flute blowing between flowers and dancing with the leaves

the choir in tune to the rise of the sun

I used to listen

but now I don't

the song drowned out by thoughts

of the past, future, present

muffled by the hands of worry and doubt

So, I listen.

find the melody

let it take me back

and remember the rhythm

I stop.


to listen

to the breathing of the room

flowing in

and out

through the nose

even the silence.

closed eyes and

open ears

do you hear it too?

the leaping of pencils

the yawns of heating vents

the footsteps of fate before it barges through the door

the whistle of wonder beside you


closed eyes and open ears

do you hear it too?

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