o, how I hope we drive home warm and safe tonight

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Behind the cloud, the timid sun paints a drawing

With colors of gold and blue

From high buildings to snow-covered houses

Every few seconds, there's a new view

The wheels bump along the road

Making its own beat

Like when mallets hit a bar

Some belch and others screech

The steady hum of the icy road

The purring growl of the car

The few burps of the wheel on an ice-clumped bump

It all sounds like a musical star

The window begins to fog up

As if to tell me not to worry

Over the irregular, slippery road

The slowly-racing cars start to turn blurry

The pleasant smell of my mother's perfume

The cold ankles that are warmed by the heat

The padded coat that squeezes between the 'belt

The soft vibration of my seat

As the car slips and swivels across the curvy road

The wheels and the snow sing a quiet, hushed lullaby

My eyes grow heavy, slowly fluttering shut

No longer do I worry about the cars nearby

Tiny automobiles and ginormous trucks

Some covered in snow, others glimmering bright

And many blink at me with their scarlet red eyes

As I dream and I hope all drive home safe tonight

How pleasant it is to ride safely in a car

O, how I hope we all drive home

warm and safe


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