No Questions Asked

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The quite shadow sits at the booth, chugging down the blue liguid, not caring what it is. " You're late." It says when a man sat infront of the them. " I apologise, had some business to deal with."

An eyebrow lifts on their face while looking at their attire. " Didn't go to well I see." It wasn't a question, their was no doubt that it hasn't gone within his favors. " Unwanted company, let's call it." The assassin chugs the rest of the burning drink. " Enough with the small talk, what's the assignment?"

A token with a hallagram is places infront of the dark person. " You want me to kill a mandalorian? Ha. What odd times we live in."

" Remember..." The man was interupted. " Yeah yeah,no questions asked. I'll need a down payment, ships low on fuel."

" You'll take it. I haven't even told you the price?" Greef was truly surprised, normally the first question would be how much. " No questions asked. Remember?" The figure tilt their head, almost hissing as if they were a snake. A soft chuckle came from Greef, and he placed some credits infront of them.

A dark glove picked them up and scoffed. " This'll hardly be enough." Half a smile came to his face. " Come back and you'll get the rest." He could see the blue eyes roll, as they stood up from the seat.

Greef watched as the assassin left through the doors, he enhaled a deep breath, wishing luck to the both of them.

Her assignment was to kill the mandalorian, take whatever it was he held and bring it back to it's bounty holder. It hadn't taken her long to locate him due to the fob. She simply watched him getting beaten by the Blurg. A scoff managed it's way through her lips. This was the fool that she was to take out. Her show was over after he'd had help.

She stayed in the shadows waiting for a good opportunity to strick. It appeared though that he had yet to follow out his bounty, yet at least. She decided she had enough time to catch up on sleep, while she watched the two men disappear on the Blurgs.

She never bother with getting a lot of sleep sence they were only cursed with her past. As the saying goes, prison sure does change a person. She managed to wake up just in time though. When the mandalorian came back, a pod like thing followed him. He also seemed to be missing a few pieces to his ship. Now was the time to strick, he couldn't escape.

She slid down the sand mountains, trying to get to her target before he could come up with a plan to get his parts back.

" You seem to be missing a few parts there." The mandalorian slowly turns his head away from his destroyed ship, to see what had spoken. He sees a small figure, all in black but had a blue scarf covering their face. Before he had the chance to grab his blaster, the figure was already coming after him. He managed to block the blade coming for under his chin, but got knocked down by their foot.

While he tried to get up, an unexpected weight added to his chest, and he fell back down to the sand, his head banging against his helmet. " Your armor makes you slow." The voice sounded as if it came from a woman, while he redirect her wrist to make the dagger go flying from her grip he wondered why someone was trying to kill him. Again. He knocked the girl off of him and grabbed his blaster from his hip, but she had been faster. He thought she'd go for her dagger, but she was smarter than she let on. It was her turn to grab his wrist and turn it just so he couldn't shot her. On top of this she had the upper hand and flipped him back on his back.

She went and grabbed her dagger and made her way to him. The mandalorian was already exhausted from getting the child and making his way back, only to find his ship looking like a skeleton, then going after the Jawas, and get my knocked out. He could feel her steps getting closer, he went for his small knife that he carried, he didn't know what much he could do with it, but he'd try.

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