Chapter One - Failed

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This time i'm gonna try and update frequently instead of waiting 2 years (oops)

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Jauregui-Hansen but it seems as tho you have miscarried"

those are the words that lingered in both Lauren and Dinah's ears for the past 5 months , both women want a child so badly but it just seems to go wrong every single time 

Laurens POV

I lay in bed for the next ten minutes just thinking about all the things that have happened in my life or lack of things, the only thing I have done that I can be proud of is marrying my wife, speaking of my wife I turn on my side and wrap my arm around her stomach, I look at the clock on the night stand 6:30 am it reads, ugh time to get up, I carefully unwrap my self from Dinah and quietly get out of bed and quickly get dressed.

Once I get dressed I head down to the kitchen and fix myself something quick and easy to eat as I am already running a bit late for work, I work as a 1st-grade teacher at Millstone Elementary school (made up) I love my job but seeing all the kids is just a reminder of what I can't have, I head outside and get into my car and set off to my best friend Normanis place to pick her up as she is also a teacher but teaches 3rd-grade where she also teaches her 8-year-old daughter Sienna, you see Normani doesn't have any problem with getting pregnant, she is also pregnant with a little boy, she was only 16 when she got pregnant with Sienna, her parents were so angry when she told them so they kicked her out and she went and lived with her boyfriend Masi who also happened to be Dinah's cousin.

I quickly wrote Dinah a note telling her that I will be back later and I love her, I pulled up at normanis house and beeped my horn a few times to let her know that I was here, she opened the door and made her way down the steps and into my car.

"Morning Laur" she muttered out as she let out a big yawn "Hey Manibear," I said to her as I drove off towards the school, hopefully, I will have a great day today.

Dinahs POV

I woke up in a cold bed, I opened my eyes to Lauren gone, oh yeah she has gone to work, I drag myself out of my bed and head downstairs as my tunny grumbles "Okay I get it your hungry" I mumble to myself, I walk into the kitchen to see a note from my beautiful wife

Morning DJ

I hope you had a great sleep I sure did wrapped up in your arms, I will be back tonight but later than usual because I have dinner with my mother at 6 I will miss you

I love you

your wife x

awe I love her so much, she has done so much for me in the past 18 years of my life, we first met when we were 5 she helped me in the playground when loads of boys were picking on me she shouted at them and made them go away then we became friends instantly she helped me when I came out to my parents, my dad didn't take it well, she let me stay at her place I am will always be forever grateful, I always think back to that day....


(8 years ago)

"Okay Dinah you can do this, it's gonna be fine" I mutter to my self as I walk downstairs into the living room where my parents are currently sat watching TV.

"Er mom, dad, can I please talk to you?" I ask them with shaking hands, "sure sweety, sit down she says as she turns the television off and the both focus their attention on to me "erm I don't really know how to say this" I stumble out nervously "it's okay darling take your time" my dad says softly, okay here I go "Mom, dad, i-im g-gay" i rush out stuttering a bit "your what" my dad almost shouts as a horrified look crosses his face " i said im gay dad" "don't call me that" he tell me "wait what" I say in disbelief "I want you out no daughter of mine is a dyke get out your leaving", he drags me up at gives me 20 minutes to pack up all my stuff he didn't even let me say good bye to my little brothers and siblings he just chucked me out, my mom tried to reason with him but he wasnt having it, my mom was always there for my even if my dad wasnt 

I grabbed my phone and I rang the number of my best friend with tears streaming down my face "Lolo I need you" I sob out

*end of flashback*

I was a mess for about two weeks before my feelings about the whole situation became numb and I didn't care anymore.

Laurens POV

I walked into the restaurant where I was meeting my mom, I saw her sat there on her phone, I walked up to the table and sat down, "Hey mom" I greeted her happily "Hey Mija, how are you?" she asked my warmly "I'm okay, I mean things are hard at the moment with the whole baby thing" i told her as my mood suddenly dropped.

"Oh baby you shouldn't have to go through this, it will work out you juts have to give it time" she asked my curiously "i know its just hard" we spoke for the next hour or so before I left to go home to my beautiful wife.

I walked through the door into the living room and the sight just made my heart melt as I saw my wife of 2 years fast asleep on the couch, i love that woman.

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