~Art Sketch for My Book "The Final Stand"~

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Alright so I drew the design for Josephine (JoJo) so y'all get the gist of what she looks like. This was my first official attempt at drawing anime art (not manga, I ain't that sophisticated yet lmao).

Looks decent enough to me... But let me know what y'all think.

 But let me know what y'all think

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(WattPad was being a little bitch and wouldn't let me directly upload the pictures, so I had to take screenshots of the pictures

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(WattPad was being a little bitch and wouldn't let me directly upload the pictures, so I had to take screenshots of the pictures. Sorry they're not cropped, I'm pissed off at WattPad rn. Like jfc I have to go around a gate that's useless.

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Smh Wattpad)

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Smh Wattpad)

Note: Anytime the chapter is titled with Art Sketch, it means I'll transfer it to digital art at some point.... probably 5 years later lol.

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