Chapter 15: Grayson

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September 5, Saturday
  I throw Cara onto her bed feeling relaxed finally. Of course she had to get black out drunk tonight. And of course I couldn't keep my temper under control.

   Just I smelt that pricks sent on her and I wanted to snap his weak human neck. I don't want her to smell like any other man than me.

  I run my hands through my hair as I walk to my house. Pulling at my hair relieved my aching headache. The pounding of the music at the club always annoyed me.

  Also something I couldn't control, my hunger for Isabella. As soon as we entered my bar I couldn't help but want to claim her as mine. Most of the wolfs that we're there noticed it and already can sense her being Luna.

  Just the way her body moved to the music hypnotized me. I wanted to watch her hours on end. I could feel my wolf wanting to take over. To fuck her until she couldn't walk. Feel her walls against my constant erection. Thinking about it right now is giving me pain.

  I strip out of my clothes and jump into the freezing cold shower. Although being a wolf, it didn't matter how cold the water got. After 10 minutes of my erection not going away I had to cut in. I imagined her on her knees trying to swallow me. It didn't take long for me to come with that thought in mind.

  Jumping out of the shower I could feel the presence of someone walking towards my house. The knock on my front door alerted me that I was correct. I slip on a pair of sweatpants and walk down the stairs to my front door.

  "Alpha, sorry to come so late at night but Alex, Caras mate is here." Dean says in a sleepier tone. I grown on the inside wanting to rip his head off. Of course he had to come this late at night. Is he fucking dumb?

  "Alright. I'll take care of him." I say walking past Dean. He follows behind me as his home is near the pack house. I see Alex standing at his car that's besides my truck.

  "Alpha Grayson, it's nice to see you again. I'm so sorry to come so late. It was a long drive here." Alex's voice was incredibly shaky and I could see the scared look in his eyes. At least he knew to take me seriously unlike my psycho cousin.

  "I'll take you to her." I say in a groggy tone. I could practically feel his awkwardness coming off his body. He sadly wasn't an Alpha but is the beta to one. His Alpha, Brian is the biggest bitch out of all Alphas. His pack is know for kindness and being loved by all. Of course except myself and all of the other packs that aren't nice.

  "Here's my beautiful cousin." I say sarcastically as Cara sits in a weird position on the bed. Her mouth is all the way open with saliva on her lips. Her hair was a birds nest and her makeup was smeared everywhere.

  Alex immediately walks over to her and picks her up. Her body flops into his arms and I almost feel bad for the man. But I'm happy she's leaving.


  She leaving. How am I supposed to talk to Isabella? I can't just go ask her on a date. Shit what do I do???

  "Are you sure you don't want to just stay here for the night. I would hate for you to drive so late. I'll even have my maid Marry make you breakfast. I insist." I say being the nicest person I could be. But my voice still came out annoyed somehow.

  "I would hate to intrude. But if your alright with it." Alex says laying Cara back down into her weird position.

  "Of Course. Have a nice night." I say walking quickly out of the room. I've never had a girlfriend or someone I remotely liked before. I've only fucked women, and I didn't even know there names.

  Sadly enough, I would have to ask Cara for help.


My paws stomp on the ground as I run towards my prey. So close but so far away. I've been running so long but I'm not tired. I have to catch my prey.

The girl stops by the crystal clear pond. She was mine now. She had given up and was mine. I stop running as I lurk towards her.

She was scared but her body wasn't. She wanted to know what was happening.

The light of the moon glowed on her face. Isabellas face. Bella fell to her knees weakly. She was giving up and was ready to sell her soul to the devil.

As I stepped closer my wolf smelled her. Her strawberry sent that sent us wild. Surprising us both, Bella reaches her hand out to touch me. Hesitantly I move my head towards her. Her small fingers lace with my fur and a jolt of electricity ran through my veins.

Isabella smiled as she put both of her hands in my fur and pet me. Her hands calmed me. I felt like it was just me and her in the world.

Another howl erupted behind us making my wolf stiffen. I could feel Isabella becoming scared again as I became territorial.

Who the fuck was here?

September 6, Sunday
I woke up with my sheets socked in sweat as well as my sweatpants. What the hell was that? Who was in my dream? It's only ever been Isabella and me. The way it should only ever be. Only this time I wasn't killing her.

I look over at my clock to see I slept in. It was 8:27am and I still had to talk to Cara before she left. I took a quick shower to get the sweat off my body. When I got out I put on a black shirt with a pair of jeans and my boots.

I walked to the pack house with others greeting me morning.

"Morning Alpha"

"I hope you slept well Alpha."

"Alpha Grayson, please just fuck me."

Ok the last one wasn't real but I wish that was what Isabella said. She doesn't know it yet but she's mine. There's no way she's ever leaving me.

I walk into the kitchen to see Alex and Cara eating breakfast as Marry cleans the dishes. Cara chugs an entire thing of water as I walk past her to get some bacon.

"Good morning Alpha Grayson." Alex says with stiff shoulders. Remember Grayson, be nice.

"Morning. Cara I need to talk to you when your done regretting yesterday's decisions." I say as I walk past the couple. Cara huffs loudly as she jumps out of her seat and follows me.

We walk to my office in silence as I try to think of ways that won't make her laugh in my face. I should have never thought of this idea. Cara will never live this moment down.

"What is it you need cousin?" She says in a voice that makes it sound like she's smoked since she was 4 years old. I let out a deep breath accepting my pitiful fate.

"I need you to help me with Isabella."

Needed me by Rihanna

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