AU Ending 2

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"Jay, what do we do she's not waking up," Tim began to sob, her warm hand slipped into Rachelle's cold one.

But truth be told, Jailyn couldn't think of what to do; her sister, whom she had hated ever since then had just died in her arms. Her mind was under a cluster of emotions.

She could still feel the blood leak onto her, but she didn't care. All she cared about was that her elder sister was dead. Dead.

She could feel the tears well up in her eyes, threatening to spill over. She tried to blink them away, but it didn't work, they just kept coming and there was no stopping them.

Jailyn flashed her eyes up and stared at the group of commoners that had just gathered after the fight. They all had there head down, even the castle guards, and their hands folded neatly together. She met the eyes of the Titania.

She could see the elf holding something when it clicked; Rachelle's cloak. Her blue stained cloak caked with blood and dirt. Titania slowly walked over, her head bowed, and held the cloak out to Jailyn.

Tim just watched as the elf laid the cloak down gently over the cold body. She couldn't help but let the tears come out. They just wouldn't stop. Her sister was dead and that was it. She should have sensed the archer. It was her fault. It was all her fault. It was all her-

"Tim," Jailyn spoke with a stern voice, her bangs covering her eyes, "let's go." And that was it. She began to walk over to the crowd as they made a small path for her to pass through.

"Jailyn," the elf spoke out loudly, "stay with me in the castle," she reached for Tim's hand, "there is enough room for the both of you. You could help me restore the king-"

"No, I refuse to step one foot in there even again."

She turned her head and looked at Tim with mournful eyes, "But, Timmy, you could stay, it's fine."

"But, Jay!" Tim began to protest, "I want to go with you!"

There were those eyes again, "I can't support you as well as Titania would be able to, please," she begged.

And with that, she walked away, never looking back as Tim cried and Titania with her arm wrapped around her.

This couldn't be it.

Could it?

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