Chapter 7

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Reader's POV

A few days later, our band improved and today we're currently practicing "Give me five" the song that I composed a year ago. Compared to our first practice, they were now on sync these past few days

"Give me five!" Takamina shouted then the song begins

The brass, percussion and the main band sounded great together. I still remember the day that they sounded all over the place but now it is a major improvement

"You girls improved a lot" Oshima-sensei commented

"Thank you sensei" we thanked her

"Your welcome" she replied

All of a sudden, two middle-aged people entered our clubroom searching for someone and when they saw them

"Rena, Jurina! What are you still doing here?"


"Stop wasting your time here doing that nonsense band or something and go home!"

"Otou-san please let us stay here"

"No means no" he said as he forced them to go home

Ever since the encounter with their parents, Rena-chan and Jurina-chan didn't attend our practice

"I miss the two of them" Yuuchan said

"I wish we can help them somehow" Takamina said

"How about we visit them?" Acchan suggested

"Good idea" we said in unison then we went to their home but when we arrived, they already moved out


Sighing defeatedly, we decided to rest before continuing our search for the Matsui sisters. I noticed a suspicious person watching so I silently slipped away from the group and confronted the person. It turns out that the suspicious person is their mother!

"Why are you watching us?" I asked

"My daughters are locked in a room begging for help so I decided to help them in some way please help them"


"Y/N-chan where are you?"

"This is my contact number and our address, I'll go now" she said before she left

"I'm here!" I shouted

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about them"

"We will see them again" Yuuchan said

"Yuuchan is right" NyanNyan said

"I promise I will bring them back to our club" I told them

The next day, I decided to go to the address that Matsui-san told me. I called her to inform her that I'm on my way to their house. When I arrived, I was surprised by the size of their mansion

"Come in" a maid told me

I entered their home and I saw their parents waiting for me. I'm kinda nervous but I have to do this for my friends

"Good morning I am L/N Y/N, it's a pleasure to meet you Matsui-san"

"Just get straight to the point"

"I want to discuss about Rena-chan and Jurina-chan's participation on our band. Before you forced me to leave, please hear me out. There is no harm when joining a band. Both of them have decent grades so there's no problem about it and we live on the same neighborhood that is only a walking distance from our University. They also have great friends ever since they joined the band. If you're thinking that we are just using them because of money, you're wrong. We became friends with them because of who they are and not because of their wealth or anything! With all due respect, they are already responsible and they can think for theirselves. They are happy in our band so please let them join our club once again!" I begged

"Otou-san" Jurina-san said as she appeared behind her parents

"Jurina!" Rena-chan called her

"You heard about it?" I asked

"Yes since the beginning"

"Is it true?" Rena-chan asked

"Yes all I said was true because I promised our friends that I will bring you girls back to our club. I'm sorry but I did my best to talk to your father. The final decision will be from your father. No matter what happens, we're still your friends"

"L/N-san, based from what I heard about you, how can you ensure that my daughters are happy with that so called band?"

"It's simple. The band that you call nonsense is a band where many bonds were formed. Nothing is perfect but humans are striving to be perfect. No matter how good or bad you are, you have friends who will support you till death do us part"

"Rena, Jurina are you gonna join that band again?"

"Yes" they answered in unison

"You can join that band again under one condition: I have to meet your so called friends today"

After a while, our friends arrived at the mansion. I wonder why they have to meet Matsui-san?

"Rena-chan! Jurina-chan!" Yuuchan shouted

"Be quiet squirrel!" Takamina shouted

"I'm just excited to meet them again Takamidget!"

"Who are you calling Takamidget?!" they started to argue but they were hit by Acchan

"You two should just be quiet" Mari-chan stated

The others just nodded because they don't know how to act in this kind of situation. I hope Matsui-san will forgive these two

"How important are my daughters to your band?"

"The truth is they were the original members of our club aside from me and without them, our band is nothing" Yokoyama-san said

We discussed their participation and after a few minutes, Matsui-san gave his verdict. I hope he will let them join our band once again

"Rena and Jurina will join your club again"

"Yes!!" we cheered

"You know what this means right?" Yuuchan asked as they nodded

"Y/N-chan will cook a celebratory meal!"


"When did I agree to that?"

"Today" they replied as they laughed

"We don't have ingredients for that" I stated

"No problem we have plenty of stacks, you can use it" their mother said

I went to their kitchen to cook the so called celebratory meal. After a while, I'm done cooking. The maids and our friends prepared our table before we eat

"Itadakimasu!" we said in unison then we began to eat

The tense atmosphere is now gone and it was replaced by a cheerful atmosphere because of our friends

"This turkey is delicious" their parents complimented my cooking

"That's true! She always cook for us everyday"

"It became a habit for them to visit my home every time I cook"

After a few minutes, we're done eating. The maids cleaned up our dishes then we went back home. I'm so happy that the Matsui sisters went back to our neighborhood and of course to our club

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