Chapter 15

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Reader's POV

The next day, all the members of Light Music Club are called to the Dean's office, I wonder why?

"Girls I have something to announce" Akimoto-sensei started

"The reason why you are called here is because you've been invited to the Battle of the Bands!"


"How did that happened?" Yuihan asked

"Some people posted your performance on Social Media then it reached the management of the contest" He replied as he showed us the invitation

"If you want to join, just tell us" Oshima-sensei told us

"What is the maximum number of songs?" I asked

"The maximum number of songs that you can play is five" he replied

We began to discuss about the upcoming competition that they told us. Honestly I want to join but I don't know if they want to or not

"Let's join the competition!" Yuuchan exclaimed

"Yeah!" we agreed as we pumped our fists in the air

"So it is settled?" Oshima-sensei asked


"Great. I will let your mentors know about it" she said then she happily skipped

A few minutes later, Oshima-sensei returned with our parents. I saw the shocked faces of my friends when they arrived

"Why are you here?"

"Mai-mai didn't told you? We are your mentors"


"We used to be in a band like you girls do" Oshima-sensei replied

"That means you know each other?"

"Of course!"

"Let's start" my dad said then we went to our clubroom

"So according to the rules, you girls need to have a maximum of five songs each band. How many songs do you have?"

"Right now, we only have 4 songs" I replied

"Show it to us" my mom strictly said

The girls went to their respective positions then they started to play our songs. To be honest, I don't like it when my parents became serious like this. So far, they didn't made any mistakes and I'm grateful for that. After a while, they're done playing so our parents made a comment

"Okay, I believe Y/N had taught you some techniques and other things to improve right?"

"The essential factor is to have to fun"

"That is what Y/N-chan told us!" Yuuchan exclaimed

"But you need to be careful to cover your mistakes"

"The battle you'll be facing is against professional bands, are you sure you could do it?"

"Of course!"

"Good, because you have to make your fifth song right now"


"You already have four songs so you better make a fifth song now before it's too late"

Yui-chan and I started working on the fifth song but we have a problem, we do not have any idea on what we should write!

"If you have any ideas please tell me" I told her but she shooked her head

We just scribbled some random words on the paper while waiting for a miracle to happen

"You only have two weeks left before the competition" dad stated

"What?!" I shouted

'I have to focus or else I'll become crazy' I thought

"So we only have two weeks left?" I asked once I calmed down

My parents knew that when the deadline is near, I became more imaginative and I had become more focus than ever

"Yes" they replied

"Girls I need your input for this idea" I told them my plan about the fifth song

"We'll write it together?" they asked in unison

"Yes but the difference is you will need to work on your part"

"As a whole?"

"What Y/N-cchi wants to say is we all have our own contribution on our parts for the whole song"

Murmurs of agreements filled the clubroom as we began to work together. I told them the theme for our new song

"We will use our high school days as our theme. The memories you all shared with your friends whether it is good or bad"

"What if we add cherry blossoms on the lyrics? They somehow symbolizes our youth and you know that it became part of our high school life back then"

"Maybe we'll have this song as a graduation song later" I joked as we all laughed. A few minutes later, I am finished with my part

"How's your progress?" I asked Yui-chan

She didn't reply but she showed me her work. I tried to integrate it with mine and somehow it works

"Girls the lyrics is finished" I told them then they showed me their progress. The song started with the brass and the keyboard then when the intro ended, the other instruments joined in

Without thinking, I started to sing the first lines of the song which made me surprised because it matches the tune. When the chorus starts, the remaining members sang along until we were done

"Well done girls" dad said as we heard them clapping

"Oh I forgot that you're here" I said sheepishly

"So you're done with the songs"

"Yes" we replied

"Good because starting today, you'll practice here everyday until the sunset


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