Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Reader's POV

The next morning when I woke up, I saw Mayuyu lying next to me. I gently woke her up so we won't be late for school

"Good morning Mayuyu"

"Good morning Y/N-chan"

I let her do her morning routine first while I am making breakfast for all of us. A few minutes later, we're done at the same time so I quickly did my morning routine before the others come after that, Mayuyu and I prepared the table

We heard the doorbell rang indicating that they had arrived. Mayuyu and I opened the door to let them inside

"Good morning!" they greeted

"Good morning!" we greeted back

They didn't seem surprised when they saw us together this morning but I have a feeling that they will tease us sooner or later. We went to the dining room to eat our breakfast before it gets cold

"Itadakimasu!" we said in unison then we started to eat

"So how's your night with Mayuyu?"

"Did you two already-" Yuuchan was about to ask something but was quickly smacked by Acchan

"Geez it hurts"

"We just cuddled last night that's all"

"That's all?"


It seems that my hunch is correct. I just sighed because knowing them, they will never left this topic

"When is the wedding?" Yuihan unexpectedly asked


If that is how they play the game, well maybe I have to tease them a little. I won't let them teased us without a fight

"We won't get married until all of you girls got married at the same time"

Now it is their turn to be shocked. Do not underestimate my skills, dear friends or else you girls might want to beg for forgiveness

After a few minutes, we're done eating so Acchan and Takamina cleaned up our mess then we went to our University. When we arrived, we quickly went to our clubroom to practice

"It's a good thing that we don't have classes until the competition ended" Yuuchan remarked

"Yeah but Acchan and I need to study"

"You girls study so hard"

"Eh?" Acchan and I asked


We went to our respective positions then we started to play our songs from Give me five to Sakura no hanabiratachi. I'm quite amazed because between our songs, we managed to get a rest by making an mc

"You girls improved a lot" Oshima-sensei complimented us as she entered our clubroom

"Thank you"

"But you need to make yourselves unique,your practice today looks like rehearsed. You need to know how to be different from your competitors"

"What does Baby Blossom means to all of you?"

When we heard that question, the world seem to stopped. I remembered the time when we first started the band and the performance at AKB Land. How we used to have fun playing our instruments then after a few minutes of thinking, I reached a conclusion that

"We don't need to be perfect, we just have to play the way we used to be. Whether we win or lose, the most important part is we had fun"

"That's right!" the others agreed

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