Chapter Six

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Most of you asked for c so okie dokie, guess we're keeping the weird gross parts. Sorry to those who voted otherwise.

I haven't written in this particular story for a while so the style might be a bit different but I'll try. Wish me luck!

Curious people, they were. Kept asking her questions about the SI. They seemed to know something important about the deceased couple stuck alive as a consciousness in their own little worlds. They'd finally let her go back to a room to get some rest. All the while she'd been smiling, acting as though nothing were wrong with her. Which, at the moment, there was not. But something was nagging the back of her mind. The files, hidden with Saber. Everything about her past that she had been forced time forget. Every. Single. Detail.

Sitting alone in her guarded room, Exepé closed her eyes and accessed the file. Should she... How bad could it be? She didn't renember much to begin with. She knew where everything was in her mind, knew how things worked. She knew what Hydra was but nothing more. She could. But here she had the chance to start over. Wipe her own memory. Become like an innocent child once more. But the impulsive corner of her mind took hold. She opened the files.

"You're very special, Verlangen. Do you know what your name means? It means "Desire". And I have great desires for you."
Her father, caressing her cheek gently. "You start your training today Vera. I'm very proud of you for making it this far." the man pressed a kiss to her forehead before leaving her alone in the cold room.
Many years later, she was nearly ready to receive her gift."Ah, my dear child. Little Vera. You've grown tall and strong. You are ready." She knew, in her memories, what he was thinking. That this was the last time he would see his daughter before her mind would be taken from her. "Perhaps, after all this, your mother can keep you company in our little device..."
It didn't go as planned. The brain washing, it not only took her memories but her sanity as well. She was reduced to a primitive animal with the bodily control of an infant. "Well. At least the trials removed something." It was her father... But in her memories it was fuzzy in that moment. She had forgotten him after that. "Teach her. She's still worth something, we just have to access it. She is the only one that can take the implant. Do you hear me? Fix her!"
Just flashes. Pain. Screaming. Fear. Grief. Slowly fading into nothing because that's all she is.
"Verlangen. Desire. I must have been stupid, thinking you would be my prize... Fehler."
But there was more. These were but few stray, drifting memories that happened to be the first that were shoved into her mind. In an instant an entire life blinked into her mind.

She remembered it all.

Her child hood.

Her father's selfish desires.

Her mother. Her mother's sweet voice. Her mother's familiar embrace. Her mother's name. Mary Fitzpatrick, the Time Traveller.
There you go, long awaited chapter six. This hasn't been proofread so apologies for mistakes you may have seen. Feel free to point them out.


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