Chapter Eight

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Thrusters. Big ones. Strong ones. Hers were faster. But she dropped feet first, two-hundred feet to the ground. She landed with impossible softness, not even chipping the alley's asphalt.

The iron man landed just after her with a loud slam and a cracking if concrete.

The face plate slid up to reveal the face inside, the man with the goatee. Right. Tony Stark, billionaire celebrity.

Access to world databases came in handy sometimes. Wait, he liked eating what now?

"What do you think you're doing?" The palm of his right hand was stretched out at her. Repulsors.

"Having a bit of fun," she answered through distorted tones.

"Okay. First of all, no, you are our prisoner. Second of all, how in the universe did you break through the wall?"

"You underestimate the power of vibranium alloy armour reinforced with titanium alloy and other futuristic metals. It's quite useful."

The guy who was supposed to be full of quick, witty comebacks was silent. Completely silent. Even as the rest of his team came to his aid and asked what the dumb look was all about. Silence.

Finally, "We need a stronger holding cell. Much, much.. much, much, much, much... Much..," he faded back into silence, still examining her encasement. "What? How? Can I have some? What?"

"Tony," the red white and blue guy had positioned himself in front of the incapacitated man, along with the others. Captain America. Steve Rodgers. Loves sketching. Phobia of Fondue.

"Titanium alloy reinforced vibranium alloy with- do you guys have anty idea how crazy strong and insanely.... Crazy that is? Where would you get. Do you have any idea what kind of concrete it broke through?" he was finally able to pull his eyes away to look at his teammates. "Cap. That concrete... Not even you and your shield should be able to break it," he met Exepé's eyes through her mask. "You need to come back with us. Please. Please. This tech- it could mean so much for protecting the world."

"Protecting the world from what?" Exepé finally spoke again. "Monsters like me? Is that what your afraid of? What you want to protect yourself from?"


Her mask slid back and her brunette hair felt completely loose. "Count me in."


"Ya know, I'm helping you save the world, aren't I? Do I really have to be held up in here still? I could take all of you down and or break through the wall and flee whenever I could possibly want to, but have I?"

"You could kill us in your sleep if we let you out." Wing-man said. Falcon. That's what his superhero name was.

"I could kill you in your sleep anyway!" Exepé exclaimed incredulously.

"She has a point, Sam," the red - haired assassin said cooley. Natasha. Quite an interesting past.

"And I would really like my first meal in a thousand years to not be in a flimsy prison."

"First? I thought you ate earlier," Natasha said.

"Well. I didn't ingest anything orally. I eat by t-"

"Okaaaay! Spare us the details. Please," Sam interrupted.

Exepé slumped back into her chair, awkwardly enduring the silence.

Natasha, thankfully, broke the silence. "Okay. Let's go and find something for us to eat. Follow me."

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