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Jisung woke up, fluttering his eyes open

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Jisung woke up, fluttering his eyes open. He can still feel a pang of pain on his head, like he's having a migraine or something. He quickly realized that he was lying on a hospital bed. The door suddenly opened, revealing a worried Mark, who looks ready to scold him.

"Good thing that you're awake now, Jisung.. How are you feeling?" he asked, taking a seat at the side of the bed. Jisung raises his hand, signalling an 'okay' sign to the older. "My head feels like I was hit by something.." Mark glares at him.

"Of course, it would hurt a lot!" Mark yelled, making Jisung flinched. "Sorry, I was just really worried about you, Sung.." The younger smiled at him and held his hand, caressing it, conveying the gratefulness that he wanted to show.

"Thank you very much, hyung.." Mark smiled softly before touching Jisung's hair to ruffle it gently. "I'm always here for you, buddy.." Their soft moment was cut off when the door bursted open again, revealing his other hyungs.

"Oh my gosh! Are you alright, my baby?" Jaemin asked, rushing to Jisung's side. Jeno placed all the dishes and fruits that they bought on the bedside table. Haechan and Renjun goes at the other side of the bed, checking on Jisung's condition.

There, on his quiet hospital room, became a really loud room due to his hyungs who wanted to cheer him up. And he appreciated it. A lot.

The doctor gave the permission to let Jisung rest on his home, of course, with the supervision of Mark himself. "Fortunately, the results of the CT scan shows that there's no damage.. However, if you feel something not normal on your head, come here immediately.. Okay?"

Jisung nods on the doctor's instruction. Mark sorts all of his stuffs before looking at the younger. "Let's get you home, buddy.." he smiled. The older drove him towards the exclusive part of Seoul, where Jisung's house stood.

"Are you sure you can manage alone?" Mark asked worriedly. Jisung smiles with full of sincerity. "Yes, hyung.. I can manage.. Thank you for taking care of me.." The older was so touched, he pulled Jisung on a warm hug. "We're always here for you.. Remember that.."

He entered the house with an ease, the lights had opened automatically, revealing the expensive interior of it. The laptop at the coffee table, still turned on, shows plenty of emails from his parents. He opened the message and saw that his parents had sent a big amount of money to him.

He just rolled his eyes and closed the laptop. He slowly goes upstairs, wanting to take a rest on his bedroom. After opening the door, he didn't expect that someone is laying on his bed.

He thought that his eyes are just playing tricks on him. How would someone can enter his house and sleep on his bed? He rubs his eyes thoroughly, expecting that it was just imagination. However, the figure is still there.

He walked closer and realized that it was a boy, who's nearly same age as him, he thought. The intruder is wearing a pastel pink hoodie that suits on his milky skin, and shorts that exposes his leg. His footwear consists of white sneakers.

However, what made him wonder is that the boy looks like in a transparent form. While thinking, the mysterious boy had woken up and immediately noticed his presence.

They had a five-minute eye contact before Jisung spoke. "Who are you? What are you doing here?!" he asked. The boy had panicked, immediately stood up and goes straight towards the wall, making Jisung shocked. "What the-?!"

He rubs his head again before releasing a deep breath. "Must have been my imagination.." he chants to himself. Until the boy showed again, coming from the wall.  Jisung is shocked again, while looking at the boy.

They kept this serious staring contest until the mysterious boy spoke. "Are we really gonna stare each other for a long time?" After his question, Jisung released a loud yell. "AAAAAHHHHH!" Mark was about to leave the house when he heard the younger yelled. He immediately goes back inside and runs upstairs.

After his ear-piercing yell, the mysterious boy still looks at him, not moving on his position. "Can you literally see me?" the boy asked. "Of course! Are you a ghost or something?" The mysterious boy makes a cute, thinking face that he noticed.

"Kind of.. I'm still confused actually.. You're the first person who can see me on this form.." he replied with a hope on the tone of his voice. The bedroom door suddenly opened, revealing Mark. "I heard you yelling or something.. Are you alright, Jisung?"

Jisung noticed that Mark can't see the mysterious boy, even though they're just feet apart. He quickly glanced on the boy, who's signalling him not to talk before looking back at the older again. "Ah, yes.. I yelled.. I thought I saw something.."

"Oh, I see.. You're really sure that I can leave you alone?" he asked worriedly. "Yes, hyung.. Don't worry.. Sorry for making you worried.." Mark smiled and pulled the younger for a hug. "Anything for you buddy.." He pulled away, bid goodbye, and goes downstairs, leaving the house.

Jisung sighed before closing his bedroom door, looking back at the mysterious boy. "He can't see you.." The mysterious boy nods. "As I said earlier, you're the first person who can see me.." Jisung walked closer, any ounce of fear had been washed away.

"Can I know your name?" he asked shyly, making the boy laughed. His laugh is really high pitched, but Jisung finds it cute. "You're really awkward, you know? Lighten up.. It's just me.. By the way, my name is Chenle.." he smiled.

"Chenle? That's a cute name.." Jisung was shocked on his comment, so he immediately covered his mouth, making Chenle giggled again. "And I presume your name is Jisung?" he smirked. He nods and smiled. "Yes, Park Jisung.."

"Nice meeting you, Jisung.." he smiled. "Likewise, Chenle.." As Jisung stood up in front of him, he noticed their height difference, on how Chenle is just under his chin. "You know, you're quiet short.." he teased.

Chenle was shocked and pouts in front of him. "Wow.. Way to state the obvious, Jisung!" The taller laughs happily. "Just kidding, Chenle.. By the way, how did you end up like this?" he asked. The smaller sighed and bowed his head.

"Honestly, I really don't know.. I died, for sure.. But I don't know how.. Many questions are still lingering on my mind.. On how did I die? Do I have a family? All I remember is my name.. he answered sadly.
Jisung frowns too. "Sorry for touching on that sensitive topic.."

Chenle shakes his head. "No, no.. It's really okay, Jisung.. That's the reality and I should accept it wholeheartedly.. By the way, can I stay here? You're the only one I can talk to-"

"Of course! Stay as much as you want! I don't even mind.." he smiled. But deep inside, he didn't know why he didn't hesitate to let him stay. Chenle's face brightened up, and a wide smile formed on his face.

"Thank you, Jisung!" he screeched, before running to the taller and jumping on his arms. Jisung didn't expected it, as he can literally see that Chenle is clinging on him. He couldn't feel the smaller physically, but he can feel some warmth, as if the smaller is still alive.

He wanted to hug back, but he can't. So he just smiled widely to the smaller. They both realized that it's their first time to see each other, and yet, they had clicked instantly.

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