🐥 Loving You 🐬

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It's been week since Chenle had disappeared

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It's been week since Chenle had disappeared. For the whole week, Jisung had been waiting for the boy to come back. Waking up in the morning, he was hoping that the smaller would be laying beside him. He would always remember him when cooking or washing the dishes.

Since Chenle had been fondly watching him, sitting on the counter while he do those things.

But then, he remembered what Chenle had told him. That he needs to live a happy life, instead of sulking in the house, hoping that the boy would come back. He already anticipated this, that the smaller would need to go one day.

So he immediately hops on his cheerful self. During the whole week, he kept on joining his hyungs activities after class, trying to relax and calm his mind. As usual, the hyungs never fails to make him smile and cheerful.

However, he couldn't avoid thinking about Chenle. On how he confessed his feelings, on how the smaller likes him too. He can't avoid thinking, on what will be the scenario if Chenle was alive. They must be on a relationship right now. Sharing sweet kisses, cuddling on his room, having romantic dates.

He looked up at the sky and smiled. "I hope you're always watching me, Lele.. I love you.." he whispered.

Mark had organized a Christmas Party for them, planning to held it on a local restaurant near the university. "Okay.. For the contribution for food, we need to pay $50 each, it will cover the food and rent of the restaurant.. Is it okay?"

Everyone nods, except Jisung who is spacing out again. "The party would be more fun if Chenle was here.." he thought.

"Are you alright, buddy?" Mark asked. The others looked at him worriedly. Jisung returns from his daze and smiled at them. "Yes hyung.. I'm fine.. And yes, I'm okay with the contribution.."

Going home, he accidentally saw the boxes of Christmas decorations at the living room, the decorations that the smaller had insisted buying. He smiled bitterly, remembering how Chenle's smile was so sweet while looking at the boxes.

"You're not fair, Lele.. You left me without helping me setting up this decorations.. then he silently cried again.

Two weeks before Christmas, they're still having lectures on their music class, which made almost everyone bored. Jisung was so bored, he kept on doodling at the back of his lecture notebook.

The professor's lecture had disrupted due to a knock on the door at their lecture room. The professor goes to the door to check who it is. Meanwhile, the students are slightly thankful, having a break from the professor's lazy voice.

The professor went back to his table, tugging someone behind him. "Maybe he's a new student.." Renjun remarked. "But it's too late to join the program.." Haechan rolled his eyes. "It's almost Christmas.."

"Okay, class! We have a new attendee for the program.. He can still join even though it's a little bit late, since he has some medical issues to sort with for the past months.."

Jisung didn't even bother to look up, not interested on the who's the newcomer. "You can now introduce yourself.."

The newcomer cleared his throat before speaking. "Hello everyone!" Jisung's eyes widened, that voice seems so familiar. He slowly looked up and saw a familiar face in front of him.

It was him. The missing puzzle of his life. Tears starts to fall while looking at the familiar boy standing in the front.

"My name is Zhong Chenle, and I am really excited to join this program.. Please take care of me!"

Renjun and Haechan smiled. "That kid is so cute! Jisung, use your moves and get that boy's number- Why are you crying, Jisung? Are you alright?!" they asked worriedly.

Jisung is smiling and crying at the same time, while looking at Chenle.

"Anything you want to say, Chenle?" the professor asked. Chenle nods, before searching the crowd. A bright smile formed on his face when he met Jisung's stares.

"Yah! Park Jisung! Sungie! I came back for you!" tears also started to fall from his eyes. Jisung couldn't wait anymore, stood up and run towards Chenle, who is opening his arms wide.

Jisung immediately picked him up and spins him around, making Chenle giggles. "This is not a dream, right?" Jisung asked. "Let's both confirm it.." Chenle smirked before diving down, connecting their lips for a sweet kiss, which Jisung happily accepted.

Even though the class was dumbfounded, they cheered and yelled for the couple, especially Renjun and Haechan.

Jisung thought it was the happiest day of his life.

"What happened? How did you come back?" Jisung asked, still showering Chenle's face with kisses. They are currently on Jisung's house. The smaller giggles again, while sitting on Jisung's lap. "I had a car accident.. was on a coma.. That's why my consciousness or my soul wanders around.. Then, I remembered everything.. So I immediately recovered and went to find you as soon as I can.. Sorry for leaving you, Sungie.."

Instead of answering, Jisung cups his face and connected their lips, kissing sweetly while Chenle's hands goes to his hair while caressing it, while Jisung's arms wrapped on his waist protectively. After pulling away, Jisung pecked his lips again.

"I can't express how much I am happy to be with you, Lele.." he smiled. "Me too, Sungie.. Now, let's put up the Christmas decorations we bought!" he cheered, making Jisung laughed.

Chenle ended up staying overnight at his boyfriend's house, wearing a green-colored couple pajama, with Christmas designs together with Jisung. Cuddled at the sofa, they are currently watching a romantic movie at the living room.

An intimate make-out scene had played from the movie, making the air a little bit awkward. They both blushed while that scene is playing. Chenle had decided to break the awkward air by teasing his boyfriend.

"Bet you can't pulled that thing because you're too softie, Sungie.." Chenle snickered, referring to the scene played. Jisung looks at him annoyed. "I can!" he pouts. Chenle laughs. "See? You're pouting! You're a softie, Jisung.." he smirked.

"Are you sure, Lele?" Jisung used his deep voice, his facial expressions turned into a scary one, which made Chenle backed off. "I was just kidding, Sungie.." he protested, while backing off, reaching the wall, where he can't escape.

"You asked for this, Lele.." Jisung growled, before carrying Chenle and starts to kiss him torridly. Chenle is smiling while kissing back. Jisung pinned him at the wall, lifted him higher, then squeezes his thighs, making him moan.

Pulling away, the taller attacked Chenle's exposed neck, leaving purple marks on the smaller's pale skin, which made Chenle moan out load. The smaller's moan is beautiful, it made him want to go further, but he knew his limits.

He smiled before looking at a blushing, disheveled Chenle, leaning forward to kiss him again, before hugging him like a baby. "Still wanting to tease me again?" Jisung whispered on his ear.

Chenle pouts while clinging tightly on Jisung's body. "You're too rough, Sungie.. But I liked it.." he whispered seductively. Jisung smirked before turning off the movie. "Don't try to tease me again, Lele.. I might not control myself.." he whispered back with his manly voice, sending shivers on Chenle's back.

"Let's go to bed now.." Jisung smiled, before carrying him upstairs.

They are now basking at the moonlight, seeping through the window. Chenle was sleeping soundly on Jisung's chest, while he held the smaller on his arms, like he was about to disappear anytime.

He caressed Chenle's cheeks before leaning down to peck the smaller.

"I love you, Lele..." he whispered, before hugging the smaller tightly, falling asleep.

"If it's meant to be.. It will be. Just trust the process.. More importantly, trust each other.."

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