1/0 || Lets Make A Deal

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I returned back at the Port Mafia like Mori said. I never really knew how to enter.. since they never shown it in the anime.

So I just stood there for a couple of seconds, that is until a paper fell into my hands.

(( Well hello dear! How are you? More information about yesterday. That crystal you saw.. I need it. You can not let it break. Every time it does it weakens my power, so I will no longer get to protect you anymore. Just make sure YOU collect those crystals not anyone else. ))

The guy seems really serious about it, still if that's what I need to get back home then so be it.

"The hell are you standing around for come inside."

I look up to find the owner of the voice... Chuuya.

"I'm sorry if only I knew how to get inside." I call out, earning a 'Tch' from him.

I could care less, besides getting under his skin sounds very interesting.

"Ah glad you could make it." Mori says, his fingers were crossed a little above his nose so you could only see his eyes.

I found my self shiver a bit as I looked around. It was empty. Except for the brown teared walls, two chairs sitting directly in front of each other. A table in the middle and a clock.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were Mafia members behind those walls, because I've never seen this part of the HQ.

Maybe it was a secret interrogation room or something?

A Mafia goon brought some tea and placed it in front of both of us.

I don't trust this one bit. They must take me for a fool if they think I'll drink that.

"So? What did you call me here for." I ask as he lets out a seldom chuckle.

"Oh I want you to know your qualifications for joining."

Joining? The Port Mafia? Ha sorry no thanks it's either Chuuya, Dazai or Ranpo. And to be honest if I play my cards right, the agency has more people then the Mafia.

"Joining? The M- but why would I want to do that?"

"Well.. I'm glad you asked. You see I think you have a talent that will be very helpful to us."

"Okay..." I still had a unimpressed look on my face.

"Between me and you, you know a lot more then you should know."

And that's what made me freeze. I could tell he was eyeing my warp tracker.. something that peeked his interest.

"We looked into it and found out you have no zero records of being in Yokohama. Why is that? Oh we could never know. Don't you think it's strange you look e-x-a-c-t-l-y like the girl who mysteriously appeared a couple days ago?"

I was nervous no doubt, but I can't let that show one bit.
"That is really strange, but how can you look into someone without any consent?"

"Dear, we don't need consent. I'm sure you didn't have consent when you gained all this knowledge? I'm pretty sure your much smarter then you are portraying right now. But i won't push.. the truth will spill on it's on."

Who said Mori wasn't scary? Sure with Elise he was all chill, but let's not forget he was- is the boss.

"Well aren't you gonna drink your tea?"

I looked at his cup which was empty. Mines still filled to the brim. "No thanks. I don't really trust that, I mean how can I be one-hundred percent sure it's not poisoned or something?"

"Hmm, you are right.. well my deal still stands join us?"

I was getting ready to say my answer until a buzzing appeared. I looked down at the tracker and opened it.

So a new warp has appeared.

"Well sir, thanks for the talk but the answer is no. I'm afraid I have to take my leave now." I got up from the chair and walked out surprised he didn't stop me.

"Chuuya you know what to do follow her."

"Yeah yeah."

That girl has got herself tangled into a mess far greater then her alone.

"Sir! A warp has appeared just at 2:34pm."

I looked at the time. 2:34 hmm? That was the time she got a notification... does that mean she has a tracker for these warps?

"It would be great indeed to have her under are belts."

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