1/1 || Hello Belladonna

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Walking out I start to head in the direction of the warp. "Was I acting too suspicious? I just left so suddenly I'm sure that didn't go unnoticed." I think to myself as I walk along the beach.

If my Bungou Stray Dogs skills are correct-
The next warp should appear somewhere near the agency—hopefully I'll get there quickly.

Maybe I'll joined the agency.

Then I can meet Atsushi.

Or meet Ranpo.

And Dazai.

I can't help to smile if the thought- I can finally meet my favorite anime characters- who wouldn't be excited?

I close my eyes as I start to think unknowningly to the next events that will take place.

"Ugh what's she doing?"

A certain red-head perched on top of a building watched her from afar.

"Why is she wasting her time at the beach instead of going for the warp?

And why is she smiling?" Chuuya sighs in disappointment. "Could've done anything better and I get this job— no way!"

Chuuya makes his way closer- spotting a tall silhouette. With brown hair, bandages and a  brown trench coat. "Dazai..." He mummers in annoyance.

"This could get interesting,, but I'll wait it out instead." He says to himself as the girl approaches Dazai.


Those anyone NOT love that suicidal, ex Mafia freak, heck even Chuuya is head over heels for him.

And speaking about Chuuya—


I suddenly bump into a figure sending me tumbling,, until they gracefully catch me in there arms.

"Why hello there my bellodonna~"

My eyes shoot open recognizing that voice- Dazai?!

"Ah, took you long enough to notice me; it isn't good to walk without looking both ways-"

"Ah? I'm not a child!"

"Hmm? Your not? What a discovery!"

You feel yourself facepalm mentally. "I thought you were a high schooler! This is truly remarkable!"

Now it was your turn to be surprised. Was Dazai always this open to strangers? And why did he just so happen to come this way? Maybe to speak to the Port Mafia about something.

"Hmm, well let me introduce myself although I'm pretty sure you know already who I am~ I'm Dazai. Osamu Dazai." Dazai says wrapping a arm around my shoulder. "You must be..."

"Uhm- I'm Y/N."

"Y/N? Well that's a beautiful name. Say Y/N I have a deal for you and all you have to do is say yes."

A deal? Why does everyone want to make a deal with me today? I'm not that special- besides the fact that I have a device that can help track the warps.

"Alright Dazai, speak."

But before a word left his mouth a gust sand fluttered around us as Chuuya came crashing to the ground.

Luckily both Dazai and I dodged in time.

"Don't you even think about asking her to join the agency, we called her first." Chuuya says in a threatening way.

"Yours? Ha, well she isn't a object you can claim dear Chuuya. I don't think she's decided we're she wants to go yet."

The air grew tense as both of the boys argued. Oh shoot- I forgot about the warp! At the same time I received a letter.

((Did you forget already? We don't have time for your boyish fantansies. If you wish I could make it so you meet these two later on but let's get a move on.))

I quickly grabbed a sea shell, wrote a note and slipped away to the warp.

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