💝His Queen

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Dear Elite,

This journey has been a whirlwind, an emotional rollercoaster and a blissful experience. I have made many wonderful and trustworthy friends.

I was not forthcoming at the beginning and I sincerely apologize, for being what some of you may call me, a tough nut to crack.

All of you have surprised me in your own ways and unlocked some things in me that I was always oblivious to. Regardless of whom I choose today, all of you have Princess Potential💖

Unfortunately, this journey has come to it's conclusion and I will only be choosing one of the four to start a new journey beside me.

For the three that I haven't chosen today, you are all special & unique and will find husbands that will love and treasure you all like the gems you are. Everyone deserves a happily ever after and I believe you do too💖

To my bride, the one I choose today, when we met, we were both comfortable in each other's presence. It was foreign to me when our friendship blossomed the way it did. You were understanding, quick to listen and slow to talk. You were patient even when I kept building walls to keep you out. You didn't push for information but rather danced away from the subject which I was grateful for.

You're very respectful towards the only family I have left, my aunt and I appreciate that about you. You've managed to make me laugh in dire times, ponder about the memories I used to have with my mother. You've challenged me in many things and some I actually would've won.

With you, I can be myself, with you I can speak paragraphs of random things that have great meaning to them. With you, I have been able to open my heart to love. At the beginning of this selection, I have become comfortable with the idea of marrying someone who is my friend. But, you have become more of a friend to me. My liking you has changed into loving you. You kept me up late at night, you made me feel guilty when I've behaved inappropriately and you've made my day when you confessed that you loved me too.

You've made me realize what love truly is and you've trusted me countless times. Just know that I trust you too and with the many years ahead of us we'll have ample time to get to know each other more. The last interview was a dealbreaker for me because that displayed to me how much trust you have in me.

I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I love you and I will show you how much, everyday, as long as I live. I want to be the one who makes you happy, takes a bullet for you and the one that loves you unconditionally. I want to be Prince Charming just for you. Together we'll make an incredible team and rule this kingdom with love, happiness and kindness. So Aurora Mirabella Caruso💝 COSMICOLAS, would you be my Sleeping Beauty and marry me?

 So Aurora Mirabella Caruso💝 COSMICOLAS, would you be my Sleeping Beauty and marry me?

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Thank you SassyPigeon MistletoePsycho & butterflygirl3💓 for participating and taking your time to come along this journey. Congratulations for making it so far and I am really sorry about the time frame problem but I am really grateful that we could complete it and for the wonderful roleplayers you all are. One day you will be a queen in a roleplay and when it happens let me know because I am cheering you guys on all the way. I love you guys so much, so many times I had too much on my plate and the roleplay always suffered but we made it💖 Thank you Arielle, Psycho, Kate & Bri for being my friends along the way too💝

A special shoutout to our Queen Brielle allisongerber_468294, our guest royal Princess Sirena penniegrange05, and Arielle & Bri for playing supporting roles such as Oliver & Heinrick💝


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