Chapter 1: Recollections

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My name is Kara-Zor-El. I was born on the planet Krypton. My life may not have been perfect, but I had a family that loved me. Then when I was just barely thirteen years old, we found out my planet, my home was dying. My father Zor-El and my Uncle Jor-El did everything they could to convince the Kryptonian High Council that we should evacuate the planet. Their pleas fell on deaf ears and they were accused of treason.

The Military Guild placed both sides of my family under house arrest. If any of us were to try and flee the planet, we would be disgraced and shunned by society. But my Father and Uncle hatched a daring plan. In secret, they along with my mother Alura and Aunt Lara commissioned two pods to be created. One was for me and the other for my infant cousin Kal-El. We were the last survivors of Krypton, or so we thought.

My Aunt Astra and her husband Non had been sentenced to Fort Rozz for their attempt to overthrow Krypton’s leadership. Aunt Astra had believed my parents about the impending doom for our home, but took dangerous actions. She and Non were sentenced to life in the prison with their followers. During that time Kal and I were sent away, never to see our families again. His pod made it to Earth while mine got stranded in the Phantom Zone for twenty-four years. I finally reached Earth to learn that my cousin had grown up to become Superman.

That was nearly thirteen years ago now. A lot has happened since that day; I developed the same powers as Kal, eventually using them to become Supergirl. While I had an adoptive family who cared for me there was still one thing missing in my life. Kal had grown up here with a nice family and taken the name Clark Kent, and met in his words a feisty reporter who without even trying won his heart.

For a time I was jealous of Clark and Lois, but then something happened. I had just become a junior reporter for Cat Co. Media. My first big story was the day I met the man who would become the love of my life. His name is Barry Allen, and he is the fastest man alive, he’s the Flash. Two days ago I became his wife. We were on our way to National City which has been my home for a few years now. In four months Barry and I will be moving into our brand new apartment in Central City. But nothing could have prepared us for the fireball streaking across the sky, eventually crash landing in a field just outside of National City.

When we reached the landing site, we found a Kryptonian pod in the crater. While it wasn’t unusual now for me to discover another survivor of my planet, the person in the pod was someone I had thought was long since dead. I have Barry, and after everything we’ve been through together I found myself wanting to hope, but fearing to all the same.”

“Kara…you know her? Who is this?”

“She’s…she’s my mother.”

“Your mother?”

“Barry had placed his hand on my shoulder to support me after joining me in the crater. Looking at my mother it seemed as if she hadn’t aged a day. I really wanted to believe it was her, but after Barry was taken into the Speed Force in February, at which time I thought I had lost him forever, six months he was gone but he came back to me. Then two months until our wedding day Mr. Mxyzptlk abducted me, so naturally I was skeptical and wanted proof. Off in the distance I could hear sirens, and knew that National City P.D. would soon arrive to investigate the crash site. They would have questions and want answers that neither Barry nor I could provide. His voice broke me out of my daze.”

“Kara, we have to go. We can’t let your mother wake up here and be met with guns and sirens. Especially since they’ll ask a lot of…”

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