Chapter 7

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Oliver was Josh's first everything. His first boyfriend.

Josh nibbled on his lip, fixing his hair for the fourth time that day. His mom smacked his hand away.

"Joshua! Calm down!" She snickered at him. Josh rolled his eyes.

"I can't help it!" He whined. He was nervous, definitely nervous. He felt like he could melt into a puddle at any second, even his fingertips tingled with anxiety. A good kind of anxiety. He huffed at his mom's laughs and pouted. "He'll get here at any time! Oh my god," he breathed out. "Ma!" He dragged out the 'a'. "What do I do?!" He whined again, rolling to face the other side of the couch. He heard her chuckling again.

"You breathe in and calm down, how about that?" She teased him and wouldn't stop so soon. She would take them where Oliver had planned for their date and she wouldn't tell Josh where. He didn't even know she knew. Josh groaned, rolling on his back again.

The doorbell rang.

Josh bolted out of the couch, hands up and waving around. He made a panic face.

"Oh my god!" He shouted. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god," he started mumbling to himself, walking around in small jumps. His eyes were wide and his face was a bit red. He looked at his mom with a desperate face. She rolled her eyes and sighed, smacking his shoulder softly.

"Let's go," she took her car keys, waiting for Josh to open the door. She kind of wished Oliver would give his son a small kiss or something like that. Flowers maybe? She needed some real-life cliche shit.

Nope, no flowers. Just Oliver and his sweet smile. Josh froze and blushed. He couldn't get that kiss out of his head. He gazed down, hand gripping the door tightly. His eyes were a bit wide.

"Uh, hey," Josh smiled at him, nerves obvious. Oliver smiled harder.

"Hey," he held Josh's chin and gently pulled his head up and his gaze away from the floor, letting his lips cover Joshua's. Josh froze again, feeling a whole world of animals inside his tummy. He shut his eyes tightly, letting Oliver's lips guide him. He breathed out once Oliver pulled away. He held Josh's hand and interviewed their fingers together. He squeezed Josh's hand.

"Aww," ms Franceschi cooed from inside, hand on her chest. "Okay, let's go," and Oliver pulled Josh to the car while she locked the door. Once everyone was in and seatbelts were on, she started the car. "It'll be there, right?" She glanced at Oliver from the mirror. He nodded. Neither noticed the look of betrayal from Josh.

"Yep. Everything's already settled." Josh let out a noise, pulling his head away from Oliver's shoulders. His mom glanced at him briefly and Oliver stared at him.

"You know where we're going?" And she rolled her eyes.

"Of course I do. I am driving you there, after all." And Josh realized that. No, he knew she would drive them but it didn't get into his mind that she would know where.

"Oh," he mumbled. Oliver smiled widely and snickered.

"You're still so slow," he teased his best friend. Josh rolled his eyes and pinched his thigh. "Ouch!" Oliver jumped and pouted, rubbing his leg. "Meanie," Oliver put his tongue out at Josh for a few seconds.

Josh raised his eyebrows before he did the same, eyes squinting a bit. Oliver glanced at it. He wrapped his lips around Josh's tongue, letting his own gently brush against Joshua's.

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