Zatsune is back

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Chapter five:

The Prince's hand waved up again ready to give me another hit. As quickly as I raised a hand up to protect myself. My hand was slapped away as if it was nothing.

"You are so worthless! Why do I even need you?!?" He hissed and spitted. I raised my head up to look at him.

"Then.... why do you force me to be here?" I whimpered.

He stopped his hitting and cursing. The Prince was processing what I had just said, looking for an answer. His burned into mine. "I need to make a stronger army, I want born viruses. Not made anymore, and your going to give that to me." He walked closer to me. Each step he told, I tried to scoot back away from him. I would stumble over my own limbs and fall in the sandy dirt. I had cuts on my body, arms and legs, and stung like a bitch.

"W-what would t-that be?" I stuttered to spit my words out.

"How else are born viruses made? Are you really that dumb?!?" The Prince swayed his hair out of his glowing eyes of hatred. He prepared another hit, this time I was ready. I grabbed onto his wrist and flipped him onto his back. It was a little trick that I learned from Zatsune when she tried me. "What the hell!" He shouted as getting off the ground. 

"I wont lose this time." I vowed. My eyes narrowed with my bangs casting shadows, I had more of  a darker aura. 'Hey Baka, let me have the fun.' Zatsune's voice echoed in my head. I sighed and let the end of my mouth curl into a small smile, signaling that she could take control of our body. I stumbled back for a moment, as Zatsune had took control over everything. My hair swiftly changed from its silky turquoise to locks of midnight. My eyes blinked, the color changing instantly as well. It was as if my body has done this a million time, but in reality we only did this switch a few times. 

"You sick, son of a Bitch...... When your hitting her, your hitting me. I wont let you live after this." Zatsune had hissed the words out. I felt her anger boil, as if it was consuming me as well. We almost had bolted to the Prince, hitting him hard, giving everything into each hit. It wasnt much of a fight with Zatsune in control. Our hands had gripped the side of his skull, ready to crush it agaist the ground. I finally have to do something. 

'Zatsune! Thats enough, hes done.... he is nothing now.' I had yelled loud enough in our head, trying to make sure my point was heard. 

"What? You want him to live? He will die today!" Her eyes had darked in red, ready to see blood. "Tell me why?!? Tell me why we should leave him!" She was yelling even louder. 

'He is not worth it.' 

Hatsune Miku the Vocaloid Book 2: AwokenWhere stories live. Discover now