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Dabi's POV

"did you cheat?" As shigaraki  looked up into my eyes he started to cry and sputter out words about "how it wasn't supposed to happen" anger and sadness flowing throughout my body, a single tear managed to leave my eye . I wiped it away and went upstairs to start packing my things. Shigaraki of course followed me and tried to stop me from continuing to pack but of course I just moved out of his way while tears ran down my face after my things were packed I walked out of the bedroom and grabbed my wallet off the table and left. I got in my car and drove away. I couldn't drive I was going to crash if I continued  to drive so I  pulled over into a empty parking lot and cried, I cried so hard my quirk started I almost set my car on fire. As I calmed down a couple of hours later I had decided to go to a hotel take a shower and eat something.

Shigaraki's POV

He left me, he honestly left me, I knew I deserved it I know I did because what I did was wrong I need him to come back to me I need him in my life while he was packing it broke my heart. I want him back. But I have to give him space I want to just hold him and tell him everything is all right! I have to eat something I need to go and get something to eat and shower and maybe try to go to sleep. 

dabi's POV 

As I got out of the shower I was going to order some food then I heard my phone ring and I looked down and it was shigaraki didn't want to deal with him right now so i just let my phone ring. He left at least 7 voice messages nearly a million text message. I just turned off my phone. After I went down to get my food I just ate alone I just was hurting on the inside I wasn't used to being alone. I called my sister and I cried out over him to her, and she told me to stop crying over a man. She says, " Love is pain, so tough it up and get your man back." I thought about what she said to me and I waited for 2 days and I called him up. I was still angry with him, so I was yelling and sobbing all at once. Next thing, I heard a knock at the door and it was room service. I let him in and it was a weird package...

Shigaraki POV

"HE CALLED ME HE REALLY CALLED ME!" I was ecstatic with excitement until i heard his voice he was crying he was yelling and all i could here was sobs it broke my heart to know. I did this to I him I want him back I need to make this right as i was about to say something it went quiet I heard nothing but a knock at the door? After I heard the door swing open i heard him speaking with someone else. It kinda confused me when I heard the door close so quickly I heard rustling with something and then the phone hung up i got concerned and i called him again he wasn't picking up his phone. I just maybe had to give him time.

Dabi's Pov 

As I was shaking around the package I decided to open the box with my pocket knife. When  I opened the box it was just a CD with "play me" on it. So i went over to the TV and I put the CD in there was photos and video's that was played on it of how and when he was cheating on me. i cried through out the whole thing and then went and calmed down now I was pissed he cheated but at least he told me. I kept having mixed thoughts so i texted him to meet me at a cafe the next morning. 


Dabi's Pov 

I was so nervous to see him after what had just happened. But what I want to know is who took the photos and video's of it.  As I walked into the cafe I saw shiggy and I went over to him and had we started to talk . This is how our conversation went, "Why would you do that to me shigaraki I'm honestly hurt I thought you wasn't like that" I started to tear up I couldn't even look at Shigaraki. "I'm sorry okay you know I wouldn't want to hurt you on purpose I was just Angry that you didn't want to go with me and guilt was eating me up on the inside." Shigaraki replied as i just looked at him the waitress came over and asked if we wanted anything i asked for a latte medium and shiggy asked for a cappuccino as we just continued to talk. 

Shigaraki's Pov 

As we talked we laughed and joked like we used to in our relationship. At the end of us talking around 2:00 in the afternoon he said we were okay now and that he will bring his stuff back to the house. As we parted our ways and said goodbyes I got in a taxi and left.  When I got home i got in the shower and took a nap. While Dabi doing whatever he is doing. 

Dabi's POV

As I got back to the hotel I started packing all of my things in the hotel. As I got everything packed up I had ended up going downstairs with my key card and returning it then I put everything in the car and went to the gas station but at the gas station I saw kurogiri as I went up to talk to him he was talking to someone about how he finally can have me without shigaraki getting in the way of his love. Kurogiri?...

Im sorry for taking to long to write this chapter i hope you all enjoyed the drama! I love you all peace UNO AND OUT PEACE.

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