Too drunk

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Swagger didnt know he was going to get drunk. Like, over the top drunk. He planned to have a few beers and leave it at that, yeah. Leaving him tipsy and needing a hand here and there to balance, but of course, what misfits trip goes according to plan. Then again, what misfits trip is even planned and not just a spontaneous decision made by Manager Ryan.
Anyway, thats what he had planned, not putting much thought and hope into it going according to plan, because what could possibly happen? What could possibly go so wrong?
A lot.
Too much.
Something embarrassing in the least, and absolutely devastating in the max.
Of course, it had to be absolutely devastating.
He was mad at himself for it, because, of course, he couldnt have controlled his fucking mouth and his words but once it all spilled out, he could control his wobbly legs to run away into the closest bathroom.
So here he was, sat ontop of the airbnb's toilet seat, head in his hands, tears threatening to escape and stain his face, and thoughts racing a million miles an hour.
So yeah, a lot could go wrong.
He couldnt stop replaying the moment in his head, closing his eyes, opening them wide, trying to think of the most stupid things Mason had done so far on the trip, none of that helped. It all just ended with Swagger replaying the moment over and over again.

Swagger sat on the couch in the loungeroom of the airbnb, Cam next to him and both of them still going at it with the beers.
"Hey, Swagger, becareful of drinking too much, we dont want you causing shit" Cam laughed as he watched Swagger attempt to pick up another beer can, glaring at Cam as he slowly opened the can and took a huge gulp.
"Im absolutely capable of whatever the fuck" Swagger slightly slurred, putting down his can onto the coffee table in front of him.
The two quieted down, the TV playing some sort of action show and both of their eyes glued to the screen. A handsome man walked onto screen, Swagger immediately whistling.
"Thats a good looking dude, dude" Swagger said, taking another sip from his can.
Cam turned to Swagger, scoffed, and then turned back to the TV.
"Sounds pretty gay to me, Swags"
"Maybe i am" Cam choked on his drink, putting it down and hammering his chest, coughing slowly subsiding as he looked over at Swagger, who looked just as in shock of what he said.
"Swags-" Cam was immediately cut off by Swagger getting up, losing his balance slightly before standing up straight and running out the room. Swagger didnt want to wait for Cams disappointment in him, or the hate that was sure to come.
"Swagger! Wait! Come back here, ya cunt!" Swagger heard Cam yell, but he didnt want to stay to just listen. He knew Cam was going to spew hate and he didnt want to have his heart break more than it did seconds after saying what he said before.
Okay, yes, when he looked back at that, maybe he shouldnt have run away immediately, but god, was he scared. He only knew fear in that second and god, does fear do shit to you.
Swagger breathed in and out, getting his erratic breathing under control.
Curse the movie industry and their high needs for hot dudes.
Three knocks on the bathroom door brought him out from his thoughts, then a voice came. It was muffled through the door and uncertainty dripping from each word.
"Swagger? You in there?"
It was Cam.
Oh god.
Oh deary me.
He was going to die, right there, right this second.
Swagger felt his breathe pick up speed. He gripped tighter onto his hair as he counted down from 10 in his head. Then he responded.
"I just- Are you..." Cam trailed off, leaving Swagger confused as he sat up straight.
"Am i?" He asked as he stood up slowly, trying not to make any noise as he walked over to the door, putting his head against it to listen to Cam.
"Back there you said... I mean- Are you ok? What you said back there... it wont change how we see you, you know that right?"
Swaggers eyes widened, he felt like everything had stopped.
"Are you... Are you for real?"
"Yeah! You liking dudes isnt gonna change anything, its also not like you kept it under covers well either, you make as many gay jokes as Toby!" Swagger heard Cam laugh from behind the door. Swagger felt his mouth tighten in a smile, a breathy chuckle leaving his lips.
"I guess your right on that" Swagger shifted his body, placing his hand on the doorknob before turning it and opening the door, now met face to face with Cam.
"I Just... Dont tell anyone yet, 'kay? Ill do it when im ready" Swagger asked, fumbling with his fingers.
Cam smiled.
"Of course i wont, itll be our little secret until your ready to tell the others" Cam raised his hand, pinky finger out out stretched. Swagger furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
Cam snickered, making Swagger pout.
"Pinky promise" Swaggers eyes widned in understanding, putting out his own hand, intertwining both their pinkies.
"Pinky promise"
After a few seconds of silence, Cam then took back his hand, patting Swaggers shoulder as he guided him back down the hallway.
"Lets watch something"
"Yeah, lets watch IT, im feeling for something with scary clowns"
"No, im actually gonna shit my pants at the first jumpscare"
"IT it is then"
"Oh Swagger, why must you forsaken me like this"
They both sat back down on the couch, drinks forgotten on the coffee table.
Swagger ended up not putting IT on, Cam successfully convincing him not too. Whether it was because of those puppy dog eyes, only Swagger would know. They did end up watching most of the Harry Potter series though, both of them sharing jokes at times and yelling at the characters on screen when they were being utterly stupid.
Swagger felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, but couldnt help feel like a new one was just being built back on. A pit in his stomach filled to the brim of uncertainty and uneasiness reminded him every second of the dangers his secret could cause.
Maybe it would have been easier if he just kept his mouth shut, especially now that he wont have many good excuses left on why hes always caught staring at Cam at the weirdest times.
But he'll lock up those feelings for later, right now he just wanted to enjoy the moment. Sitting in the lounge room, Harry Potter marathon late at night and sharing jokes with his c̶r̶u̶s̶h̶ best friend.
He'll enjoy it for the night

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