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It was very late in the night, most of the misfits asleep in their rooms or in each others rooms passed out from hanging out with the friends they decided to live with.
They were all sleeping peacefully except for one short man who hid his identity with a helmet. His anxiety was high. He had been thinking to himself while, it seemed for him, he was trapped in his room. He had been questioning his sexuality lately. He always had thought he was straight, thinking it was normal for guys to daydream about other guys.
Now this man who's name is Eric had never been in a relationship with a guy, although he did have small crushes at points but, again, he thought it was normal.
Eric was in much need for someone to help him, like Toby. He was sure she could help him but he didn't want to disturb her sleep.

While he sat in his room, another man who was having trouble sleeping due to nightmares was awoken from yet another nightmare.

He had been getting these terrors for about two weeks. It was about a month ago that he found out he was pansexual. He was always attracted to anyone and everyone. But he was specifically attracted to a short man from America. He had figured this out since four months ago. He denied it at first and didn't know what was happening with him but until recently he had finally accepted it.
But these night terrors were starting to brew up from his fear that someone will find out about his sexuality, and even worse, his crush.
He hadn't come out to anyone yet. not even Toby. The person he trusted his life with.
The yet to be named man had grabbed his phone, hoping to find something on there so distract his mind from the terror. The kiwi was surprised to get a message from the one he least expected, his crush. Eric.
Eric has texted the man named Cameron
"hey, are you awake?"
And before Cameron had time to reply to the massage Eric had started to panic on his side of the screen as he typed as fast as he could
"Sorry if I woke you up or disturbed you"
The kiwi let out a small laugh and replied
"Yeah. I'm awake, and it's fine. You don't have to worry about it"
the taller male sat in his bed waiting for a response from the small American while on the other side of the screen Eric was contemplating on how to ask him if they could see each other.
"If it isn't to much of a hassle do you think you could meet me by the park around the corner from the house?"
Eric had finally replied. The kiwi didn't take any time to make his decision.
"Of course. I'll see you there as soon as I can"
He texted before turning off his phone and getting dressed. He hopped in his car as fast as he could and started driving towards the park.
Eric was basically already dressed due to planning to ask if Cameron would meet him.
If Cameron would have said no he would have still gone by himself.

At around 1 a.m. swagger had already been sitting on a bench in the middle of the park waiting for Cameron. He had only been sitting there for about 7 minutes and he wasn't complaining. Having the calm sound of the wind blowing through the trees making the leaves rustle together and the scent of the night sky with the fresh smell of grass and flowers can really calm someone down. It wasn't really cold at all. Just cold enough to wear a hoodie and be perfectly fine.

Cameron was in a big rush because he didn't want to make Eric wait. There were barely any cars out that night so he might have gone past the speed limit a few times.

As Cameron pulled into a parking space he got out of his car and locked it starting to search with his eyes for Eric.
Eric was quite zoned out on the bench. He was very calm, but he was still thinking. His mind like a very busy intersection. Some of his thoughts crashing into others.
When Cameron finally located the American he started to walk towards him in a fast pace. When he was close enough he started walking slower and more quietly to try and not startle him. He sat down quietly beside Eric, who was staring at the ground, still thinking wildly. So lost in thought that he still hadn't noticed the kiwi sitting right beside him.
Cameron said in a very calm and quiet voice,
"Hey Eric. What did you wanna see me for?"
The shorter male was still a little startled, even with Cameron's calming voice.
"Oh, um.... I was just, having a hard time and everyone was asleep at the house and I didn't want to bother them... of course I didn't want to bother you either! I'm sorry if I did"
Eric said in a worried tone.
The kiwi let out a small laugh.
"Like I said before Eric, it's fine. You didn't bother me at all... I was having troubles as well.. and you kinda saved me from them by asking me to come here." Cameron had said the last part a bit softer and in a certain tone that made Eric's heart skip a beat. But now wasn't the time to be gushing over Cameron.
"What kind of troubles were you having Cam?"
He said in a caring tone.
"Oh, um..."
The taller male mumbled while taking his eyes off of his crush for the first time after he had gotten out of the car. "I have been having nightmares for a while now." He said plainly looking at the ground, still not bringing his eyes back up to Eric.
"Oh... I'm sorry."
He said in a sad tone, his sight following where Cameron was looking.
"What are they about?"
The American said after a long pause and looking up at the other male.
"I, uhm.. I-"
The kiwi had panic in his eyes.
'Should I tell him about it? What if he thinks I am disgusting? What if he doesn't want to be friends with me anymore? What if.. what if he hates me...?'
The taller male thought to himself. At his last thought he felt some tears prick at his eye, not yet visible to the other male beside him. he held them back as much as he could and finally started to say
"I have been having nightmares about what people think about me because of a part of me. I just don't want people to hate me because I cant help this part of me. I cant help that I am what I am." once the kiwi was done with his explanation a single tear fell down his face, and then another. then another. and now they started streaming down his face the more he thought about it.
Once Eric saw that Cameron had started crying he quickly, without thought, leaned toward Cameron and pulled the taller male into a tight embrace wrapping his arms around the others waist and rub his lower back in an attempt to calm the kiwi down and console him.
when the taller male realized what the shorter was doing he froze and didn't know what to do. when the american noticed the other froze he let go of the embrace and looked the other in the eyes and said
"Cam, no one hates you and no one will. We are your friends for a reason. We chose to be your friend, and we care for you. If someone does decide to not be your friend, I swear that I will beat them to a pulp because no matter what it is your worried about you are an amazing person and I will promise to stay beside you for the rest of my life because... because I love you Cam."
The American said the last part just above a whisper and turned his head away so that he wouldn't have to see Cameron's reaction. He was just hoping it wasn't bad.

Cameron on the other hand sat there shocked out of his mind with a pink hue on his cheeks, more color flowing into his face by the second. He was so amazed by the small speech and the last part was his favorite.
He pulled Eric into a hug not caring about the awkward position and whispered to him
"I love you too. I really do. You're an amazing person who will make my day better no matter what happened and you get so flustered and you get all angry and you are so cute and adorable. Your voice is so amazing and it can calm me so fast. There are so many more things that I adore about you that I could go on and in about all day."
He stopped hugging the smaller male and waited to see a reaction out of the other.
Eric who was blushing like crazy and wide eyed, looked at the kiwi shyly and tried to say something but it only came out as small mutters and stutters. Cameron leaned down near the smaller ones face and gently placed his hand on the others cheek while staring into the others light brown eyes longingly. The other was so stunned by how beautiful the New Zealander was in the beautiful moonlight and didn't know how to respond, his light blue eyes, his pale skin and the light blush he had really put a bow on the present.
The kiwi moved in slowly, still staring into the others eyes and they were only a few inches apart to where their noses were touching Cameron looked at Eric with a questioning face in a way almost saying 'may I?'
Eric slightly nodded and they both moved into each other, to where their lips finally connected.
Both of the men melted into the kiss, closing their eyes and enjoying the gentle kiss. It felt like their lips were made for each other. Their lips were moving in synch in the soft kiss. Enjoying it as much as they could.
After a minute or so they pulled away and stared into each others eyes lovingly.
"Do you want to come over to my place and we can hang out some?" The taller man asked.
The shorter man gave a soft and livening smile while nodding slowly and saying
"Yeah. I would love that."

Both of the males had already gotten off the bench and started heading towards Cameron's house, hand in hand and hopped in Cameron's car enjoying the time they were sharing with eachother.
After a short drive they had made it to the kiwi's house and Eric walked in giggling while Cam was holding the door open, but also bowing and said 'after you, sire.'
They were both giggling afterwards.
Eric walked in and Cam closed the door after they both fully walked in. Eric was looking around examining the house. It was very cozy and it brought comfort to him, what he was seeking in the first place.
Cameron sneaked behind the smaller male while he was busy looking around and hugged him having to bend lower to reach the others height.
The smaller male blushed and held onto the others hands that were wrapped around his waist.
Unexpectedly the taller male picked up the smaller male and brought him to the couch and set him down in his lap while hugging his waist again.
The American was blushing madly at the New Zealanders quick yet smooth actions, he was not yet used to all of this but no doubt about it, he enjoyed it, having someone to love him and take care of him. Cameron kissed  Eric softly on the cheek and asked him "do you wanna watch something?"
"Yeah, sure." Eric said looking at Cameron lovingly with a genuine smile.
Cameron grabbed the remote off of the coffee table in front of him and turned it on, lowering the volume immensely after a woman's voice was talking loudly, startling both of them. Cameron had started to giggle out of no where and Eric did too after a while, not able to hold it back anymore.
After their laughing fit Cam asked Eric
"What do you wanna watch?"
"Ever herd of Parks and Recreation?"
Eric said smirking at Cam.
"It's an American TV show but it's hilarious."
He said again, in a matter of fact tone.
"Alrighty, we can watch that."
Cam pulled up the search bar in Netflix and looked for it finding it soon after and starting the first episode while both of the males got in a comfortable position.
Eric had lied down on Cams lap while Cam was sitting up and propped his head against the arm part of the couch.

They had watched a few episodes, giggling and laughing until they both grew tired.
Eric had passed out soon after the fourth episode and Cameron fell asleep around the end of the fifth.

2205 words.
My biggest oneshot yet.
I m sorry this took so long.
I am having writers block and I've been busy with school.
But I'm glad I've finally finished it!
I know this was a bit of angst as well, sorry about that. But it is mainly fluff.
I hoped you enjoyed this!

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