One Last Look At The Sky

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"If you knew, then why did you help me?" he asked.

"Because I..I didn't expect it to be someone my age. You are fourteen, right?" Hikaru nodded. Taki stood up. Hikaru did the same.

"I can't go back," he said, "Not with you living." Taki nodded.

"I understand. Follow me."

"Where are we going?" Hikaru asked. Taki said nothing, only climbed the stairs. Hikaru followed. Thirty exhausting floors later, they reached Taki's apartment.

When they reached it Hikaru turned to Taki.

"Why did you make me climb all the way up here?" he asked. Taki looked at him sadly.

"I'm going to die, right? Can I at least pick where?" Hikaru nodded.

"So this is where?" Hikaru asked. Taki smiled sadly.

"Yeah. Just get it over with."

Hikaru drew his sword, pointed it at Taki, and sighed. 

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