Their Days 37

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Author's P.O.V

Jimin's Day

3 hours later

Jimin got a call from Yoongi which he picked up "Yah why are you not at school??" He asked "I woke up late" Jimin lied "oh, okay, but are you coming?" Yoongi questioned.

"No I'm tired" Jimin answered "what about later? Are you coming to talk with Jungkook later?" Yoongi asked and Jimin hesitated before saying "yeah, but when are you guys going?".

"After school....sorry I have class now so see you later" Yoongi said hanging up the phone after Jimin replied with "ok bye".

'I should get some fresh air' Jimin thought finally getting out of his bed and going to his wardrobe to find clothes.

Once he found his clothes, he went into the bathroom to shower, when he entered the bathroom he looked at himself in the mirror 'I look a mess' he thought getting ready to shower.

After he showered, he went outside for a walk he got some breakfast which was a breakfast bar that Jungkook had once brought him before they were dating.

Jimin stared at the bar for a little while as he started to tear up, "why does it seem like we were happier before we got together?" He questioned.

After walking around his neighbourhood for a long time he went home and decided to cook himself some proper breakfast the thing was we didn't really know how to cook but he wanted to make french toast and ended up burning it so he decided to try make something.

He tried making a chicken salad which he made without burning the chicken or over seasoning but he did cut himself 5 times when he was trying to cut the vegetables, but even after he cut himself he didn't give up on making the salad.

After he made it he tried to enjoy it but only took 5 spoon fulls before putting it away, it wasn't that it tasted bad or anything in fact it tasted really nice.

But Jimin wasn't really feeling hungry so he just cleaned his house and watched TV, well more like turned it on and went through every channel before turning it off.

After "watching TV" Jimin went to check the time realizing it was almost 1:30 pm he decided to get ready to go to Jungkook's house since he wanted to go early so they could finish their talk from yesterday

By the time he changed his clothes and was ready to go it was 1:45pm so Jimin began making his way to Jungkook house...

Jungkook's Day

Since Jungkook wasn't planning on going to school he texted Hoseok before school started telling him to tell the other that he wasn't going to come

He also told him to tell Yein that we cancelled the meeting even when he wasn't actually cancelling it, he just didn't want her to come.

After he told Hoseok he slept since he stayed up the whole night pretty much crying.

He woke at about 1 pm and made a sandwich which he only ate 4 bites of, after he ate he went in the shower, when he came out of the shower he was expecting to look a lot better than before going in but he still looked a mess.

His eyes were red from crying and lack of sleep, but just brushed it off and dried his wet hair, after he dried his hair he decided to go back to sleep, but just as he got in his bed his doorbell rang which was when Jungkook remember that he told them to talk today which he totally forgot about.

"Ah shit" he cursed getting out of his bed and quickly putting eye drops into his eyes hoping the colour would soon go back to white after he put the eye drops he went to open the door..

And damn he sure wished he never said he would talk tomorrow


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𝓡𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓸𝓶 𝓓𝓪𝔂𝓼《𝔍𝔦𝔨𝔬𝔬𝔨》Where stories live. Discover now