"Did you cry?" 38

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Author's P.O.V

Jimin arrived at Jungkook's house at about 2 pm he went and rung the doorbell and waited for Jungkook to open the door.

After about 30 seconds the door opened showing, a tired, red-eyed Jungkook, "oh, your here alone?" Jungkook asked only seeing Jimin.

"Yeah the others are still in college, it's 2 o'clock" he said "really?" Jungkook asked surprised "anyway come in" he said.

Jungkook's P.O.V

"So why do you come without the others?" I asked after Jimin came in "because you told me we would talk tomorrow and I want to hear what you have to say about what I said yesterday" he said.

"Oh, about me not really paying attention to you when we went on dates? That was because I've had a lot on my mind recently" I said sitting on the floor while he sat on the couch.

"Right" he said "but it seems like I was the only one that was affected by our talk yesterday" he said.

"What do you mean" I said "look at you Jungkook, you are looking and acting fine as if we didn't just talk yesterday, it makes me feel like I'm the only one who got hurt" he said.

"I may look, sound and act fine but inside I'm not, it's just hard for me to show my emotions unless there's just too much going on" I said.

"Did you cry?" He asked suddenly "w-why would I cry?" I asked "your eyes were red" he said "s-so I'm tired" I said.

"You keep stuttering and sometimes you stutter a lot when you lie, or when you panic" he said "w-what about you? Your eyes are red too, did you cry?" I said.

"...Yeah" he said surprising me "I didn't actually expect you to say yes" I muttered "I have no reason to hide it from you so, I won't, with everything" he said looking me in the eye, we just stared at each other for what felt like forever until I looked away clearing my throat.

"If you won't hide anything from me then tell me, why you and Yein, became so close over such a small period of time" I said looking down.

"I can't, not yet" he said "Why? You literally just said you wouldn't hide anything" I said getting annoyed and looking back at him.

Jimin's P.O.V

"This is different, I.....ugh it's Hoseok birthday next week and we wanted to a surprise" I lied 'I'm going to keep this a secret until the end' I thought.

"So you did it with her?!" He asked "...Yeah" I said "but why her out of everyone??" He asked "S-she asked me not to tell, but she likes him, but you can't tell anyone" I said quickly.

"She'll kill me, I just wanted to support her, and when she asked me I was a bit surprised but I hoped for the best" I said.

"What about Yoongi, doesn't he like Hoseok?" He asked "umm.. no he changed his mind, otherwise I wouldn't support her" I lied again 'I'm really sorry Jungkook' I thought.

"But why didn't you tell me before?" He asked "I-I couldn't, she told me that we will give you guys invitations 3 days before and that's when you find out" I lied.

"Oh ok" he said "sorry can I go to the bathroom?" I asked "go ahead" he said, I got up and quickly went into the bathroom locking the door and taking out my phone.

First I put it one silent, then texted Hoseok!



Please look at this message when you get the chance!

If Jungkook asks you about your birthday say that it's in 5 days!!

Hobi: Umm....why?

I'll tell you after you come to his house but just tell him that please, I beg you!

Hobi: Ok

After texting Hoseok I texted Yoongi and then Yein!


Yoongi if anyone asks about you liking Hoseok tell them that you don't!!

Yoongay: Why?

Just do it please! I beg you!

Yoongay: Tell me why first

I'll tell you after I see you at Jungkook's house

Yoongay: Okay

Birthday project

Hey, Yein I'm sorry about what happened yesterday, but we have a problem!

Birthday project: What is it?

I told Jungkook, Hoseok birthday was what we were planning for and that you like him!

Birthday project: ......Wow............just wow


Just as I sent the message Jungkook knocked on the door, "you ok in there?" He asked "y-yeah I'm fine" I said

Ah shit, I have to go sorry.

Birthday project: Ok bye.

After she replied I put my phone in my pocket and quickly washed my hands, which I really didn't want to do since the plasters were gonna get wet but I had to.

I came out of the bathroom and went back to the living room, where Jungkook was sitting lying on the floor with his eyes closed which he opened when he heard me coming, I sat on the couch, that I was sitting on before I went to the bathroom.

We just sat in silence, neither of us saying a word Jungkook laid on the floor with his eyes closed, "are you tired?" I asked finally breaking the unbearable silence.

"Yeah, I didn't sleep well yesterday, why?" he asked "I don't know I just thought you were tired" I said "you can go to sleep you know" I added.

"Then what about you?" He asked sitting up and looking at me "I'm fine I'll just wait here for the others".

"There's not really much of a point I won't be able to sleep for long anyways" he said "true" I said rubbing the back of my neck.

Which is when Jungkook noticed my plasters "what happened to your hand?" He asked quickly rushing over and taking my hand "I-I cut it" I said a bit surprised by his sudden moves.

"How?" "Well...I was trying to cook and it didn't really go well" "then why didn't you stop after you cut yourself the first time?" he asked still holding my hand.

"Because I was really hungry" "why didn't call me or just ordered food, don't just struggle on your own" he said "I couldn't call you" I said quietly.

"Why?" He asked "Because I didn't think you would pick up" I said looking down at my hands which Jungkook was still holding "...I'll always pick up" he said.

"Really?" I asked looking up at him "yeah" "promise?" I asked stretching out my pinkie "yeah" he said locking his pinkie with mine.

"You know Jimin, I really miss us" he said his pinkie still locked with mine, "me too" I said "Jungkook, I'm really sorry, for being so caught up with the birthday thing and not taking the time to notice the important things" I said playing with his fingers.

"Me too, I'm sorry for not paying attention to you when we went on dates, and for getting angry at you" he said "..then are we cool?" I asked "Yeah, I love you Jimin" he said hugging me.

"I love you more" I said return the hug, after a little while we let go of each other, we began staring at each other, this time neither of us looked away "I really want to kiss you" he said quietly.

"....Go on then" I said


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