Can't stop thinking about it 12

760 19 1

Jungkook's P.O.V

Sunday Morning

I turned and tossed for the 110th time I didn't get any sleep last night now I just want to sleep but I can't stop thinking about kissing Jimin, I turned over for 111th time "Ugh" I shouted sitting up.

I went to use the bathroom when I came out I tried to go to sleep I got in bed and started to drift off to sleep when my mom started calling me.

"Yes Mom!" I shouted annoyed that I was finally going to sleep and she woke up me up "one of your friends are here" she shouted "tell them to come upstairs" I shouted trying to go back to sleep.

Someone opened my bedroom door, walked in and shut the door behind them, "Kook? You awake" It was Jin "Yes" I said sitting up and looking at him "oh good lord what happend to you?" He asked "I haven't gotten any sleep!" I said annoyed "oh right anyway, I have a question for you!" He said

"What is it?" I asked getting more annoyed that he wouldn't just leave me alone "you and Jimin, you Kissed right?" Jin said

'How did he know, If Jimin was probably too drunk to remember how does Jin know?? Was he watching us?' I thought but I decided to say something that seemed to shock Jin more that it should have "No why would I kiss him firstly I'm straight secondly I really don't like him"

"If you really really don't like him say that you hate him" Jin said after a few minutes of silence "why? What is it to you what I think about him" I was getting really annoyed I wanted to sleep and Jin really wasn't helping, not only that but I didn't want it think about Jimin or the kiss ever again.

 "It's nothing to me but I just want to know" He said "Jin you know this is invading my privacy, so if you want to know what I think about him and you don't believe what I say then ask him because I already told him I don't like him!".

"Is that why he was crying" Jin asked I could feel my eyes widen 'How does Jin know so much' I thought "Jin I don't mean to be rude but it's really none of your business so leave me alone and what happens between him and I stays between him and I whatever he tells you stays between you two so don't involve me" 

I said laying down and closing my eyes, "Fine" Jin said I heard the door open and shut, I could tell he was hurt by his tone of voice I felt bad I didn't exactly use the nicest tone towards him.

"Ugh" I screamed 'why the fuck is life doing this to me!!' I thought before final drifting off to sleep.

Sunday Night

I woke up to see it was pitch black in my room 'what time is it' I thought, I picked up my phone and turned on the power which was off it was 11:52 I jumped out of bed I slept for so long but I still felt tired.

My stomach rumbled I hadn't eaten anything Since Saturday morning I turned my phone back off and went downstairs to get something to eat, I made a bowl of cereal and then took it upstairs and started eating it . I was in such a bad mood and I was tired.

I finished my cereal, put my bowl down and went back to sleep I really didn't want to wake up for school tomorrow!


I'm sorry for a short chapter so I'll upload again today! But please don't be a silent reader and feel free to comment your opinion!

𝓡𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓸𝓶 𝓓𝓪𝔂𝓼《𝔍𝔦𝔨𝔬𝔬𝔨》Where stories live. Discover now