The Blue Spirit

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Silver was still shivering, even days after the storm. "Look, we're gonna be burning the entire ship, up to kindling if we keep this up." Lieutenant said.

"It'll mmmmelt first genius." Silver mumbled, shivering. "She's right, after all, it is made of metal." Zuko said and Silver shook her head.

"I'll leave. I will go to find a way to cure myself of this, you can't put your entire crew and ship at risk for me. Besides, I can take care of myself."

Silver said, and sneezed loudly right after, and the entire ship shook from a wave that had hit it.

"Okay, you should go. But meet us back here, once you're cured." Iroh said, as Silver walked up the stairs.

"I'll be fine." She said, and dove cleanly into the water, and swimming for the shore, as the ship continued on towards the same island just the other side of it.

A few hours later, Silver was dragged into a Fire Nation fortress and was the spitting monster, at anyone who even looked at her.

"I wonder what your grandfather would pay for you?" Admiral Zhao asks coldly, and Silver spat at him.

"Go to hell!" She shouted, and he laughed at her, and she sent a huge chuck of rock towards him, and he ducked, laughing.

"Lock her up with the Avatar." He said, and Silver looked at him. "That's impossible."

She whispered, as she was dragged away, and brought into a room with Aang, who was also chained up.

"So now, this is the great Avatar, master of all the elements. I don't know how you've managed to get away from and elude Fire Nation, for a hundred years, but your little game of hide and seek is over."

Zhao said, and Silver yelled at him loudly, and Zhao, he turned and then slapped her.

Silver flinched at him, and all of the chains were nearly doubled around her, so that, she couldn't even earth bend her way out of this situation.

"I've never hidden from you. Untie me and I'll fight you right now." Aang said and Zhao chuckled. "Uh, no." He said.

"So tell me, how does it feel to be the only Airbender left? Do you miss your people? Oh don't worry, you won't be killed as like they were."

Zhao said, and Aang's face was full of rage and pain. "See, if you die you will just be reborn, then the Fire Nation'll have to begin their search all over. So I'll keep you alive, but just barely."

He said, and Silver tried to cry out loudly, but a metal gag was covering her mouth, and she screamed in a muffled frustration.

"Blow all the wind you want, but your resistance is futile. You cannot escape, this fortress, and no one is coming, for either of you."

Zhao said and he slams the door behind him hard, and Silver lowered her head, looking exhausted.

"Silver can you?" Aang asked, and Silver shook her head, and ended up almost upside down because of her chains. "Right, sorry." He said.

Then, after many minutes of futile effort, punches were heard, and many which were being thrown just outside the room.

Silver looked up, hoping for an ally, and when a person in a blue mask is pulling out two blades, she opens her eyes, and opens them wide.

The Blue Spirit freed Aang, and then went to Silver who had so many of the chains wrapped around her, that he had to melt many of them, and then he hacked them away completely.

Silver and Aang followed the Blue Spirit, and then they were naturally spotted by the guards.

Silver began to bend both water and earth as she fought the Firebenders as they ran along the wall and earth was rising everywhere.

"She's an Earthbender as well?! Who is she?!" One of the soldiers wailed as he was thrown over the wall.

"I'm back."

Silver said, smirking coldly as she bends more and more as they leapt their way across the courtyard, and then she made her own way across.

Using columns that forced their way through all of the metal, and she was on top of the gates, when she saw the predicament.

She leapt down, and Aang helped her slide down and she landed next to the two, now holding her hands up in an clear position of defensive movement and bending fight.

Then, the Blue Spirit held the swords to Aang's throat, and Zhao was forced to let them out and Silver follows, her eyes blazing with worry, as she backs up with the other two.

Then suddenly, before she knew it, the Blue Spirit had been knocked out and he landed on the ground hard.

"Aang." Silver said, and Aang looked at her before nodding quickly at the Blue Spirit, as from the hit, his mask had come halfway off.

"Zuko is the Blue Spirit?" Silver whispered, and Aang shrugged at her, and Silver lowered her head.

Now they were in the forest somewhere, and Silver was no longer shaking after being given an extreme, frozen frog to suck on by Aang.

"That is disgusting." She muttered, spitting it out, as Aang was speaking to himself, and Zuko woke up, and looked at him.

"I used to have a friend named Kuzon. He was one of my best friends, and he was from the Fire Nation, just like you so... if you had been living back then... do you think we could've been friends too?" Aang asked and Zuko yelled and a blast of fire sent Aang on the run.

"You okay?" Silver asked, and he rubbed his head. "The archer." He said, and Silver nodded.

"You saved us both. Why?"

She asked, and he shook his head.

"We're needed back at the ship again Silver. Uncle Iroh, will be quite a good bit suspicious to about where we have both been."

Zuko said, and Silver looked at him.

"I think you forgot something." She said, and tossed him his mask, and he had no problem catching it.

"Thanks. Now can we go back to the ship already?" Zuko said, and Silver's face broke only into a slight ghost of a smile at him.

"Alright. Let's go." She said.

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