Chapter 33: kikus pov

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A/N:short chapter sorry!


Okay so all hell was breaking lose.

Me and Japan shrugged, I pulled out my iPad (I do not own apple) and out on Hetalia (don't own that Either and why just beacuse)

10 episodes later the bell rung (episodes are 5 minutes long hopeful you knew that)

When we looked up the principle was with the police and was looking around for the start of the commotion but, my friends brought them to probebly Ally's house.

Me and Kiku stood up and walked to our classes.

//after school//

Me and Japan walked to Ally's house and was rushed to her basement.

"Wha!" We protested

"Shh!" Prussia hissed.

"Oh god your going to far" I said as I started at two figures hunched over tied to chair, Seth and Celia

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