↪ 𝘰𝘸𝘯𝘦𝘳

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At the sound of a deep masculine voice, all of us turn around to find a tall male who has sharp features. Beautiful green eyes and long brown curly hair with a man bun on top. Not only to mention that, he is wearing a white shirt which reveals a tons of tattoos hiding underneath it. He is wearing a green apron over his white shirt and black skinny jeans. 

"Hi, Harry! It's nice to see you!" My cousin says as he talks to the man.

"Hi, Kai and Taehyun. Oh, and who is this lovely girl?" The man who is called Harry says before smiling at me, causing four dimples to indent on his tan face. 

"Hi, I'm Jade, Kai's cousin." I quickly introduce myself and hold my hand out. Harry smiles and shakes hands with me. 

"Hi, Jade. I'm Harry." He says. That is when I realize that he has a British accent and it is so cute! 

"Let's have a seat." Harry says as he gestures to the nearest table and chair. We nod as we take our seats and Harry is standing, poised as he is ready to take our order. 

"I will have my usual mint chocolate frappe and my banana crepes with chocolate sauce dribbled on it." Huening Kai orders and Taehyun just shoots him a disgusting look. 

"My usual caramel macchiato with whipped cream on top and two slices of tiramisu." Taehyun orders.

"What about the lady?" Harry asks me. 

"I will have iced caramel macchiato and a slice of cheese cake." I order. 

"Your orders will be up in a few minutes." Harry says before closing his notepad and smiles. 

"By the way, who is the owner of the cafe?" I query after Harry has left. 

"Why do you want to know, Jade when you have the most handsome boy called Kang Taehyun sitting beside you?" My annoying cousin asks before wriggles his eyebrows disgustingly. 

"Kai, how many times do I have to tell you? We are not into relationships!" Taehyun and I say in unison. Our eyes meet and we high five each other instantly. 

"And that's what all the couples say before they fall in love." Huening Kai states and shrugs his shoulders.

I immediately yank his brown fluffy hair hardly with a hand, causing him to lurch forward and groans in pain. The brown haired boy who is amused with the scenario starts to giggle behind his hand. 

"Jade, harder!" Taehyun cheers and I smirk. 

"Alright." I chuckle darkly before yanking harder and my cousin yells.


"Well, my family is living the American lifestyle so I don't care." I shot back, biting onto my lips as I yank at his hair. 

Taehyun starts to laugh harder and clutches onto his stomach, his whole body is literally trembling with laughter. 

"Ah! I'm sorry!!!" Huening Kai whines as I let go off his hair. 

"Done?" I question and raise an eyebrow at him.

"I am going to kill you! You're yanking my precious brown hair, oh my God!" Huening Kai bellows as he frantically touches his hair as if not to see a missing bald spot. 

"How I wish I can yank every single follicles of your hair when you annoy me every single time." I shrug as I cross my arms over my chest, looking unbothered. 

"This is the first time I see Huening's ass got kicked by a girl, especially younger than him." Taehyun laughs as he covers his mouth. 

"Welp but this is not the first time for Huening." I say as I throw a wink at Taehyun. 

"I have a feeling that we are going to be best friends!" Taehyun squeals as he shakes my hand. 

"Oh really, so do I!" I say as I shake his hand. 

"This is going to be great, finding someone to gang up together on Kai." I chuckle darkly as I rub my hands devilishly. 

"Kai, Taehyun, what have you brought? A girl?" A familiar voice says cheerfully, causing all of us to turn around. 

As I turn around, I could not believe who I had seen. 

Choi Yeonjun, Beomgyu's older brother. 

"Jade?!" Yeonjun exclaims in surprise as he looks at me.

"Hi, Yeonjun." My voice drops an octave lower as tension starts to gather in the room.

"How are you after the...." Yeonjun trails off as he asks. 

"Fine." I reply short and curt. From my peripheral vision, Taehyun gasps while Huening Kai's eyes widen. Huening Kai has only met Beomgyu several times but he does not know that Beomgyu has two older brothers. 

"How is he?" I ask awkwardly. 

Yeonjun is dazed for a second before he coughs. 

"He's.... He's fine as usual." Yeonjun shrugs as he runs a hand through his blue hair. 

"By the way, what are you doing here?" I question, raising an eyebrow. 

"I'm the owner of this cafe." Yeonjun says and then throws a look behind the counter. "Harry told me that Kai has brought his cousin here so I got curious and decided to check out." 


Taehyun who must have sensed the atmosphere getting even more awkward, decides to cough as he looks at Yeonjun.

"How's the business?" Taehyun asks, changing the topic. 

"It's getting great, to be honest but no one wakes up early on a Sunday morning except for the three of you." Yeonjun replies. 

Just then, the bell on the door chimes, signalling a new customer's arrival. Yeonjun's dark brown eyes widen in panic as he darts his eyes from the door to me. 

"Just a minute." He says as he wipes his hands on his green apron before attending to the customer. 

"You shouldn't come here." Yeonjun says. 

"What do you mean by I shouldn't come here? This is your cafe, hyung. Let's not forget that I am the co-owner too." Another familiar voice says. 

"Yes, you're the co-owner but you're not  full time yet. How's dance academy?" 

"It's great." 

"Do you.... You know, still miss her?"

Then, a scoff could be heard in the cafe. 

"Miss her? No thanks. Who will miss a tro-trophy..." Beomgyu's voice trails off as his eyes meet mine. Huening Kai's eyes are blazing with fury meanwhile Taehyun's jaw literally drops to the ground as my eyes fill with tears. 


Hey, how are you?

I hope all of you are enjoying the story so far!

Look at that wallpaper of Beomgyu at the top- I can't-

I am biaswrecked by him, y'all😤😤😤  and I could not get over how boyfriend material and good he looks in that pic-😍😍

I recently changed my wallpaper to him because-because I can't get over his good looks!

Alright, I am rambling.

Love, 晶✨

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