↪ 𝘧𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦

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I am back in my old home- the most luxurious, fanciest and biggest penthouse in New York. I stand in my room where it overlooks the beautiful views of skyscrapers. Traffic fills the city along with people who are now as tiny as ants walking underneath. 

Despite the beautiful view, I much prefer my apartment back at San Francisco with my cousins who are very much like my own siblings. I am the only child, meaning that I am the sole heiress to the family business. Uncle Nabil who is my father's older brother, decides to pass the family business to my father as he is not interested in dealing business as much as my father does. Instead, he loves acting, performing and singing songs. Thus, like father like children, all of my cousins are passionate about performing arts and they even dreamt of being a worldwide famous idol one day, performing their very own songs on the stage. 

I watch as the orange afternoon sun rays hit the glasses of the buildings, making it even more beautiful sight. I stand as I prepare myself mentally to meet the man whom I am about to married, whom is my future husband and will be ruling both of the companies side by side with me later in the future. I have graduated from high school a while ago and now, I have plans to study in the greatest university in America, Harvard University where coincidence, that my future husband is studying at. 

I sigh and decide to walk towards my floor length mirror in my walk in wardrobe to make sure that I look to the tens. I adjust my long midnight blue cheongsam where it brings out the colour of my eyes. I turn to the right and see how the silt of the traditional Chinese clothes start from my upper thigh to down, showing a matching pair of blue heels. I then begin to check my brown curly haired which is pinned up in a bun and my stylist decides to let out a few curly hair bangs to frame around my face. They even pin an artificial blue rose to compliment my look. As I tilt my head, my dangling Swaroksi earrings which catch a glint of light whenever I move, along to my hand which is donning a shining diamond bracelet. 

"Jade! The Choi's have arrived now!" My mum yells from the living room. 

"Coming!" I shout back as I exit my walk in wardrobe and go out of my room to slam the door. My palms become sweaty as my feet wobble with each step that I have taken. As I take a step down the wooden spiraling staircase, I could hear happy and enthusiastic voices down from the living room. 

"Your daughter must be really a pretty and intelligent young girl!" A feminine voice gushes. 

"Ah, Mrs Choi, I do think that your son is such a dashing young man! Look at his mannerisms!" My mum gushes. 

However, they stop talking as my blue heels begin to click against the mahogany wood tile, catching all of their attention. 

"Mum, dad, Mr Choi and Mrs Choi." I address each of them politely. My mother's almond brown eyes twinkle and radiates "proud mum" energy in the room. 

"Mrs Huening, your daughter is an absolute beauty!" Mrs Choi says as she rushes and cups my face in her hands. I smile awkwardly at her as Mr Choi chuckles and pulls his wife back. 

"I apologize for her, Jade. She is just too excited to meet you." Mr Choi smiles, causing dimples to pop out of his face.

"Never mind. I understand her." I say as I place a courteous smile on my face. 

"Not to interrupt them, let's introduce them to your son." My dad says as he puts an arm around my shoulders. 

My eyes are wide open as I stare at the tall boy in front of me. He has midnight black hair, beautiful dark brown eyes, soft milky skin and a pair of plump pink lips, he resembles as a bunny. I admire how his physique makes a formal outfit looks so good and even handsome! Black tuxedo, white shirt with a black bow tie, black pants and a pair of black leather shoes. His beauty is a fatal to my heart. 

As my eyes meet his, he looks down and a red blush forms in his cheeks. 

"Jade, this is my son, Choi Soobin. And Soobin, for God's sake, just look at her!" Mrs Choi chastises her gigantic son who looks down. She lets out a frustrated sigh before placing her fingers at the side of her temples. 

"I know that she is really pretty, Soobin but please don't be shy around her!" 

As soon as the words leave Mrs Choi's lips, I cannot help but chuckle at how contrast that Soobin's gigantic physique and that shy bunny demanour of his.

"It's alright, Mrs Choi. I can understand." I say, feeling bad at how Soobin is chastised by his mother. 

"No, it is not alright!" Soobin says as he lifts his head up and his innocent dark brown eyes open wide. 

"Finally..." Mrs Choi sighs before continuing. 

"And Soobin, this is your fiancee, Jade Huening." 

"Hi, Soobin. Nice to meet you." I say as I extend my hand out. 

"H-hi, J-Jade. N-nice t-to me-meet y-y-you." Soobin stutters as he shakes my hand and pulls back as his hand is sweaty. 

"Oh my God! I am so, so sorry! My hand is sweaty and I-"

"It's okay, Soobin. I don't mind." I smile as I put my hand back. 

"Now that, we have introduced our children together. Why not the adults should have their talk so our children will get to know each other more before our reservation in the restaurant?" My father suggests. 

"Ah, that's such a fantastic idea! You see, Mr Huening..." Mr Choi trailed off as he slung an arm around my father while my mum and Mrs Choi began to retreat to the dining room where they can discuss details about both Soobin and my wedding, leaving both Soobin and me alone.

"So...." Soobin says as he scratches the back of his head awkwardly. 

"Yeah?" I ask Soobin who is scratching the back of his neck. 

"Ah, this is so awkward! There's barely other girls talk to me and I don't really talk to girls much! I am sorry, Jade! You must be disappointed and embarrassed for having a fiance like me!" Soobin rambles as he covers his reddening face in his hands. 

My heart drops at his revelation. Even though I only know Soobin in a few minutes, my instinct tells me that he is a great and nice guy. 

"Soobin." I say gently as I pull his hands down from his face and look into his brown eyes. 

"I am not embarrassed and disappointed for having a fiance like you! Your shyness are a bonus for me!" I chuckle as I decide to lead him to a sofa. 

"I am so lucky to have you as my fiance."


Is anyone missing Beomgyu here?

Let me know in the comment who are you rooting for.

Team Soobin


Team Beomgyu?

Love, 晶✨

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