C.3 - Transformation: Daily School Life

2 1 0

Remaining Students: 11


Monokuma Theatre


Hellllloooo there! We've now said goodbye to 5 students! Usually by now it's 4! You don't normally get a double murder in Chapter 1! And by the end of Chapter 3, usually, it's 7 because Chapter 3 is when ALL the double murders happen! ...Usually.


Date: 11th December




Someone's knocking on my door.


Akihiro Daisuke

Gasho. You doing okay?

Gasho Ena


Akihiro Daisuke

Oh... You mind if I discuss some speculation?

Gasho Ena

Not really.

Akihiro Daisuke

I think the mastermind could be Taneki herself!

Gasho Ena

What? Why?

Akihiro Daisuke

The mastermind keeps making references to her game! That was what Taneki's clue was! Kokuren pretended to be what Talia pretended to be. I did some research on Taneki's game and that movie Monokuma showed us pretty much shows exactly the relationship between Talia and the Ultimate Witchcraft Practitioner Lucinia.

Gasho Ena

Lucinia? I heard Taneki mention her before, she's one of the survivors, right?

Akihiro Daisuke


Gasho Ena

But... what if it's something else. Both of those clues include Talia. Maybe it's her?

Akihiro Daisuke

But Gasho, she died.

Gasho Ena

It's a weird fucking world, Akihiro.

Akihiro Daisuke

True, but I don't know. Why would she?

Gasho Ena

Why would Taneki? Or any of her survivors for that matter?

Akihiro Daisuke

I guess... So, you're talking about a motive. If the mastermind is someone from Taneki's game, that means they aren't Ultimate Despair, which means they would need a motive to do this. Good thinking. I'll look more into it. In the meantime, chin up Gasho. We'll get through this.

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