back to where it all began

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I pushed open the school doors, making my way through the heavy crowds to the door marked ‘MAIN OFFICE’. Once I finally got in there, I was a little breathless having to navigate through the crowd. I ran a hand through my hair and made my way over to the secretary’s desk. She was a slightly older, maybe in her 50’s, lady who was in pretty good shape with shorter salt and pepper hair. She kind of looked like a younger, thinner version of Paula Dean; the food network chef. She glanced up from her computer and smiled, little crinkles forming around her eyes. I decided that I liked her and returned a small smile.

“Hello dear, how can I help you?” She said in a friendly voice.

“Hi, yeah, I’m new here and I came to pick up my schedule? They told me to come here…” I said, gesturing with both my hands.

The lady clapped her hands and smiled, “Welcome to Ridge View then! What’s your name sweetie and what year are you going into?”

“I’m Selena, Selena Rey and I’m starting junior year.” I said.

She shuffled through some files until she came back with a triumphant, “Aha!”

“Okay, well here’s your schedule, if you have any problems with it, contact your counselor.  Here’s a map of the school, I doubt you’ll need it hun, and there are signs all over the place, but just in case. Well Selena, I think you’re all set! If you need anything, my name is Mrs. Reiendo.” She said.

“Alright, thanks.” I replied

“Good luck hun!” She smiled and winked.

I started to walk towards the door and stopped dead in my tracks when a strong earthy sent filled my nostrils; speeding up my heart and waking up my cat who had been M.I.A. I looked around frantically for the source of the delicious aroma, until my eyes landed on a door marked, ‘NURSES OFFICE’. Without even thinking, I charged towards the door and opened it.

A guy had his back to me, with his leg propped up; looking like it was being wrapped. He was in the middle of telling the nurse he would be fine when they both stopped what they were doing to look at me. Holy mother of Jesus Christ and Heaven up above! Am I dead? Did I just die? Is this an angel?  Trust me; I wasn’t talking about the nurse.

He had light skin and slightly curly, chestnut color hair that fell above his light moss colored eyes in an unruly fashion. He looked like a Roman warrior that had been carved into an ancient marble statue. Everything about him was making me weak in the knees, and it scared me. Why was I feeling like this?

Alexander’s POV

I knew arguing with the human nurse was futile, she didn’t understand that my sprained ankle didn’t need to be wrapped because it would heal on its own. Nevertheless, I tried to convince her that I was fine and that I wouldn’t go to evening soccer practice. Suddenly, the most intoxicating sent filled my nose. It smelled like fresh rain and vanilla; I was getting dizzy trying to greedily inhale it all. That’s when the door knob turned. I felt my cat wake up inside of me, clawing at me, screaming ‘MATE!’

Upon hearing this, my body bolted upright and I turned towards the door. What I saw next nearly knocked me out…

She was insanely— no, impossibly beautiful, so much so that it almost brought tears to my eyes. This was the girl that rejected me, and I knew that if I had to see her every day, I would be slowly driven insane. She had wavy/curly raven colored hair that she left half up half down. Her skin was a beautiful tan color that seemed to glow and her deep brown eyes were rimmed with thick, dark lashes. As she stood there, I tore my eyes away from hers to quickly scan down her body. Oh god… I felt my pants begin to tighten thinking about what my kitten looked like under those clothes. She was only a little bit taller than average, maybe around 5’7’’. Her body was lean and athletic, yet she still had luscious curves that made my cat want to do some pretty dirty things.

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