Chapter 3

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Looking straight ahead, Josie stared at the blackboard where her teacher was walking up and down teaching his students, wildly waving his hands. For although she looked as if she was paying attention and concentrating, not a word of what the man was trying to teach them found its way into her brain. Her attention was simply too focused on the students around her.

Since this was a lesson only meant for witches, it was the perfect moment to see if anyone was acting suspiciously. For although she told herself it was complete nonsense, the thought that someone might be behind her bad dreams had been nesting in the back of her head since she first thought it right.

So Josie couldn't help but direct all her senses towards the other witches and sorcerers around her, although it probably wouldn't do her any good anyway. At least she assumed that no one would be that stupid to use any, maybe not quite so stupid, spells in class and does any other flashy things.

But just when she thought about the magic that wasn't allowed in our school, she got an idea. Maybe she was able to use it in some way. Even if her father didn't like it. But he didn't necessarily have to know about it. She could tell him about her sleeping problems, which was not the case anyway. After all, her father would only worry unnecessarily, but he couldn't help her anyway. So she had to go through it alone and find her way.

But before Josie could continue her thought, she suddenly felt something warm around her nose. But before her fingers could move to that spot, she noticed something dripping from her lip and landing on the tabletop. Automatically she frowned and saw a small drop of blood, to which another one was added within seconds.

"Damn," Josie hissed, but so softly that no one could hear it. Nosebleeds were not something she could use at this moment. Instinctively, she covered her nose with her hand, while suddenly an unpleasant pain spread right there.

"Excuse me, Professor", Josie raised her voice and stood up from her chair: "Can I please go to the bathroom?"
"Certainly, Miss Saltzman", the teacher replied, although he did not seem to fully understand what was going on. Without thinking about it for long, she walked along between the rows of tables of her classmates, towards the door.

When she reached the corridor, Josie's legs led her almost automatically in the right direction and after a few steps, she arrived at the girls' toilet. There she pushed the door open firmly and went straight to the sink, where she let go of her nose. Immediately the single drops of blood began to drip into the sink one after the other and a painful pulling went through her nose.

"Man, why now?", she moaned and reached out for one of the paper dispensers to start wiping the blood from her face. Normally, Josie was never someone who got nosebleeds easily, but late enough things seemed to be happening anyway that were normally not so.

Whenever she thought about a nosebleed, a certain thought inevitably forced itself upon her. Because once that happened, it was usually magical. In itself, it was always connected with overuse of magic or dark magic, if a witch was once attached to strong nosebleeds. But since it hadn't been Josie herself - after all, she had just been sitting in the classroom - who had used magic lately, this must either be the fault of a witch or just a stupid coincidence. But to believe in coincidences could be difficult when you knew that magic existed in the world?

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