Your smile

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Their lives continued like nothing happened but they both knew it would take time to get back to where they were before. It would take trust and time, both of which had plenty of. Two months after their mutual confession they told their friends about their new relationship and they took it really well, not that they were expecting anything different.

    " Wait! So your telling me, I was the reason you two got together?" Hinata said after being told about the wonderful news.

  Both Suga and (reader) looked at each other and laughed, " In a way yes, if you didn't drag me to the cafe, none of that would have happened." ( Reader) smiled.

   Hinata just jumped around and laughed, " Isn't that great Kageyama?"

  Kageyama just smiled a little bit, " Yeah it's great, you did something good for once." Kags knew once he said that Hinata would focus on his rudeness which would allow the couple to talk with the others.

   " Mean Kageyama! Mean!" And they walked out of the gym towards their bikes after saying a quick goodbye.

   Daichi walked up to them, " huh I knew something was happening between you too," he smiled and put his hand on Sugas shoulder.

   Asahi smiled as well, " I'm glad everything worked out, it felt weird not having you around as often, (reader)."

   " well we should get going, right ( reader)?" They nodded and waved goodbye to rest of the team. They were walking home today which was nice because that meant they could talk and hold hands the entire time.

    " You know ( Reader)," Koushi smiled as he squeezed their hand tighter, " I'm glad everything worked out between us, my life was missing something when we didn't talk and lost connection. It was really sad, and that's when I realized my feelings for you were greater then friendship and I thought I was to late to apologize so I kinda just smiled anyways even though I was so sad. I was also mad at myself but that's another story."

You squeezed back, " That's okay Koushi, everything is good now, and if we're being honest I wasn't 100 percent sure on my feelings either when I first confessed to you, but when you were gone that's when it hit, but why would you be mad at yourself, how could you know you had feelings for me when you didn't know they even existed."

He just looked down, " I was mad because I let you leave me and I couldn't do anything to stop you. I was scared I would lose you more if I tried anything, but even then I was unsure about my feelings so I just felt really conflicted and I really dumb and didn't know what to do."

(Reader) just smiled, " I love you Koushi."

Koushi looked stunned, his eyes widened and his face flushed with pinkness, " I- I love you too, I love you so much!" He stopped in his tracks and grabbed your waist and pulled you into a kiss. It was quick at first but after the first breath it was deep and passionate. ( Reader) could feel the smile creep on to his face when they were kissing. They felt the butterflies in their stomach explode and together they felt ten times lighter. It was amazing and so wonderful. And when they finally pulled apart they both smiled. And that's when they knew everything between them would be okay.

~The end~

A short story between you and Koushi!

I've been working on it for awhile but didn't have the guts to post it but hey, I'm gonna do it anyways. So yes this is finished and no I probably won't write more. I still love Haikyuu and I'm so excited for the new season! But I have some other things to focus on so maybe in awhile I'll write another Haikyuu fic but it won't be out for awhile( I got a couple in the making tho). Hope you guys liked it and enjoyed it and found it a bit interesting.

I haven't edited it yet so if there's mistakes please be gentle. I just haven't looked yet.

I love you guys

And I'm so happy I completed something

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A Smile Can Hide A Lot( Reader x Suga ) Where stories live. Discover now