1- Bad Start, Good Skate

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A/N quickly before I start I would just like to say that if anyone would like to make me a book cover please PM me and I'll tell you the details. Also I am all for creative critsism so if you see any mistakes or notice something that doesnt make sence, feel free to point it out so I can improve my writing skills! ❤️❤️


Its raining. Not the type of rain that causes a light pitter-patter on the roof renewing you with a sence of calmness, nor was it too stormy and windy to have the excuse of being unable to stay home because of the 'brutal' weather conditions. In fact, it was what Jonah would describe as annoyingly average rainfall.

This was the type of rain that would soak you through  in 5 minutes flat, and in Jonah's case, would usually begin halfway on your commute when you are already in a terrible mood.

But why was Jonah in a terrible mood?

Well, for a start, he was stressed. In the process of getting his divorce with his late husband finalised, Jonah was also having to cope with running his slightly short-staffed hotel business while also interviewing potential employees and scedualling his evening entertainment for the guests.

On top of this stress, he woke up to find that his coffee machine was broken and he had dosens of missed calls from one of his exes who would call him when she was drunk.

Jonah was beyond annoyed at this point. He was having the worst of the worst days, barely keeping his head above the water, but without coffee? Well, his mission was impossible, which leads us to now.

The groggy business man walks quickly through the streets in a futile attempt to stay dry. He has a look on his face which clearly says to anybody why sees him 'dont even toch me.' He had left slightly earlier than he usually does to make sure he has enough time to get a takeaway coffee from his favourite shop.

What deepened his mood even more, was that he knew if the coffee machine hadn't broken and he had left at his normal time, the rain would've started as he left his house and he wouldve been able to go and grab a coat.

As the coffee shop got closer, the rain seemed to beat down harder on him, making his clothes stick to his skin. He knew he should've checked the weather forecast before he left.


Daniel's day on the other hand was going much better than Jonah's was. He had checked the weather forecast before he went to bed and set his alarm clock for 5.15 AM.

Roller skating was Daniel's most favourite thing to do so, depending on the weather and his schedual, he always tried to get out for a roll around the city. His friends of course thought he was insane for having such an erratic sleep schedual and always waking as early as possible, but Daniel felt it made him more productive.

When his alarm went off to his favourite song, he arose from his covers and went to brush his teeth and throw on his clothes, before putting his phone and keys into his pockets and fastening his skates to his feet. He had recently replaced his battered old black and White's which he found cheap at a thrift store about 3 years ago with a new upgrade which he was able to afford with the help of his mom. They were teal coloured as she said they brought out his eyes. Daniel couldn't agree more.

After checking that all of his wheels were spinning how they should, Daniel set off. He was finally free, with the wind in his hair and the sun on his back. This is why he loved being out and about on his skates. He was an adrenaline junkie and just loved the speed ond freedom it gave him. His best friend Jack was also a skater, but he preferred a different model of wheels over rollerskates. None the less, the two of them often spent their time rolling around together and having fun.

Soon enough, his fun had to come to an end. He arrived back to his house at 6.50 and had a shower and got changed into better clothes because he needed to go to a band audition, which he was more than excited about. Being in a band was something he had dreamed of for years. After he had been to his first ever concert, he found himself fantasising about being up there, sharing his art in music to the rest of the world. How cool would it be to stand up on the stage and have the croud sing back your creation to you. To be able to  hear a song and the radio and smile, knowing that you wrote it. That's what Daniel wanted.

After contemplating weather to eat breakfast, he decided to go to a café or coffee shop instead on the way their, and maybe do some busking in the mall which he found was pretty close as well.

He grabbed his coat and quickly headed out the door, hoping not to get too wet in the rain. "Today is going to be a good day." He whispered to himself, putting his guitar on his back. "I can do this." And with that, he left, dreaming of his future.

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