10- A Plan Underway

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"so, we're going back to the hotel?" Jack asked, suggestively. Of course he knew they were going there, he just wanted to see of he could... Influence his actions.

"Yes Jack." Daniel jumped over a crack, slowing himself with his toe stop slightly. "Just so you can get in the bartenders pants." he teased, trying to distract Jack from what he knew that he was going to say, but Jack wasn't having anything.

"Well are you gonna try and get on his?" Daniel sighed. "Oh come on Dani. I can see the way you look at him." this was a common conversation that they had.

"Okay, maybe he is cute, but-" Jack interrupted him.

"Ha! I knew it!" He said with a smug smile on his face making Daniel sigh again. "Come on, he seems like he has some experience, maybe you can learn something from him." Jack said, suggestively.

"Jack!" Daniel said  warning tone, through gritted teeth. Jack giggled. "seriously! You know how I feel about this stuff!"

Jack could tell that his friend was getting slightly agitated and decided not to push the matter further. "Okay, okay. But promise me, if he asks you out, you must say yes. I'll buy you an ice cream if you do,"

Daniel raised his eyebrows. Surely that would be fine. He doubted that would happen anyway, but for an ice cream? "An ice cream and you'll fix that light bulb on the stairs?" Daniel smiled cheekily, already knowing what the awnser would be. Jack had been nagging Daniel for ages to take the chance, and he knew that that light bulb had been bugging Daniel for ages, but, after breaking his arm after falling down the stair when trying last year, Daniel decided not to take the risk again.

"Okay, deal." Jack said, pulling his phone out, but still checking ahead to make sure he wouldnt crash on his skateboard, which is a surefire way to make Daniel crack up, and get mocked by the rest of his friends for a very long time.

He clicked on his contacts, and scrolled a bit until he got to the one he was trying to find. He clicked on it, and typed out his message.

He said yes, how's your end?

Corbyn looked up from the message. His side had went great.

Jonah came back out from the back, bidding farewell to his visitor, and heading back behind the bar. They had been speaking a lot longer than either of them were expecting and Jonah was glad he didn't have too much work to do. Corbyn yawned and rubbed the dark circles which were in accessory to his eyes.

"Okay, last night must've been really fun." Jonah said, his tone sincere.

"Oh yeah." He smiled dreamily, wolf-whistling and  making an action wich alluded to 'big.' Jonah chuckled, shaking his head. "We got to talking, you know, me and Jack,"

Corbyn went to lean on the bar, but stopped, grimacing as his hand hit the sticky surface. "Oh, so you got his name this time, huh?" Jonah teased.

"And," Corbyn smiled, wiggling his eyebrows, and coming closer to whisper in his ear, "I got his number." Corbyn grabbed a some glasses, and put them on the bar's surface.

"But, like I said, we were talking." He grabbed the bottle of milk from the cooler behind him and poured it in the glass. "And, Jo, guess what I found out for you."

Corbyn went to put the milk away, and pulled out the apple and orange juice cartons. "What did you find out Corbyn?"

Corbyn looked over, with a smug look plastered on his face. "Music boy thinks your hot." Jonah wasn't expecting this. He didn't really seem interested in Jonah, but apparently that wasn't true. "but," Corbyn said, stopping Jonah in his tracks.

"there's a catch, there's always a catch." He sighed.  Corbyn had now finished pouring the drinks and a waitress was collecting them on the small circular tray.

"well, kind of." He put the two cartons away. "He's never dated. He doesn't understand how it works."

Oh. Jonah thought. "well," Jonah was always optimistic, so Corbyn wasn't surprised at his next  comment. "I'll just have to teach how to, then."

"So you're asking him out?" Corbyn said, gaining a nod of approval from Jonah. "Even though you've just had your divorce?" Jonah nodded again, in the same way he had before.

"He feels different, Corbyn. In a good way." He smiled, his phone vibrating in his pocket.

He said that he's going to ask him out. Now we'll just have to wait and see.

A/N I'm so inspired to write this book, I'm neglection the other one I'm working on at the moment. Having multiple books on the go at the same time was was a bad idea haha

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